José María Fernández de Vega


Operation Frankenstein
Three siblings find a broken mannequin in the dumpster and decide to rebuild it using whatever they can find. After that, they try to animate it like Dr. Frankenstein did with his monster.
Executive Producer
Mario is not able to overcome the death of his wife; by chance he meets a woman almost identical to her. Marta is not able to overcome the crush she has for him; by chance she meets the opportunity to take the woman's identity.
Бунюэль в лабиринте черепах
Париж, 1930 год. Премьера сюрреалистического фильма «Золотой век» вызывает общественный скандал. От молодого и бескомпромиссного режиссера картины Луиса Бунюэля отворачиваются не только продюсеры и меценаты, но и его соавтор, художник Сальвадор Дали. Мятежный испанец пытается найти деньги на свой новый проект — документальный фильм о беднейшем регионе страны Лас Урдес, где жизненный уклад настолько ужасен, что кажется порождением ночного кошмара. Бунюэль возвращается на родину, где встречается со своим давним приятелем, скульптором-анархистом Рамоном Асином. Надеясь помочь другу, Асин покупает лотерейный билет и… выигрывает крупную сумму денег. Бунюэль приступает к съемкам. Однако его методы работы шокируют немногочисленных единомышленников — членов съемочной группы…
Buñuel en el laberinto de las tortugas
Spain, 1932. Spanish filmmaker Luis Buñuel travels to the region of Las Hurdes, in Extremadura, where he shoots his third film, a very critical and later controversial documentary about the living conditions of the poor peasants, abandoned and forgotten by the national authorities.
Buñuel en el laberinto de las tortugas
Spain, 1932. Spanish filmmaker Luis Buñuel travels to the region of Las Hurdes, in Extremadura, where he shoots his third film, a very critical and later controversial documentary about the living conditions of the poor peasants, abandoned and forgotten by the national authorities.
Buñuel en el laberinto de las tortugas
Animation Director
Spain, 1932. Spanish filmmaker Luis Buñuel travels to the region of Las Hurdes, in Extremadura, where he shoots his third film, a very critical and later controversial documentary about the living conditions of the poor peasants, abandoned and forgotten by the national authorities.
Buñuel en el laberinto de las tortugas
Executive Producer
Spain, 1932. Spanish filmmaker Luis Buñuel travels to the region of Las Hurdes, in Extremadura, where he shoots his third film, a very critical and later controversial documentary about the living conditions of the poor peasants, abandoned and forgotten by the national authorities.
Buñuel en el laberinto de las tortugas
Spain, 1932. Spanish filmmaker Luis Buñuel travels to the region of Las Hurdes, in Extremadura, where he shoots his third film, a very critical and later controversial documentary about the living conditions of the poor peasants, abandoned and forgotten by the national authorities.
Buñuel en el laberinto de las tortugas
Spain, 1932. Spanish filmmaker Luis Buñuel travels to the region of Las Hurdes, in Extremadura, where he shoots his third film, a very critical and later controversial documentary about the living conditions of the poor peasants, abandoned and forgotten by the national authorities.