Set against the backdrop of 9/11, this documentary tells the story of how a new generation kickstarted a musical rebirth for New York City that reverberated around the world.
Set against the backdrop of 9/11, this documentary tells the story of how a new generation kickstarted a musical rebirth for New York City that reverberated around the world.
An intimate portrait of one of the most loved footballers; Ronaldinho. This documentary looks at his childhood in Brazil, his breakthrough to professional football and his journey to Europe including the ground-breaking years with Barcelona. We hear from his family, teammates and peers in a truly heart-warming story of one of the games greats.
“DISCIPLES” is a new Dazed film by Jess Kohl exploring the subcultural world of Malaysian skinheads including the traditional, SHARP skins, and Nazis.
Associate Editor
The Nightcrawlers provides unprecedented access to the the Manila Nightcrawlers as they look to expose the true cost of Filipino President Duterte’s violent war on drugs.
«Гармония» исследует социальные и гендерные изменения российской молодежи в одном из самых промышленно опасных, загрязненных городов России через призму таких популярных видов спорта в мире, как хоккей на льду и ритмическая гимнастика. Эти две спортивные дисциплины, соответственно, олицетворяют мужские и женские идеалы большинства населения страны. В самом широком смысле спорт перекликается с повседневной жизнью, отражая особые черты и навязчивые идеи общества в целом.