Yvonne Caffin
Рождение : 1904-05-17, South Africa
Смерть : 1985-07-10
Costume Design
A British intelligence agent must track down a fellow spy suspected of being a double agent.
Costume Coordinator
Тайный агент расследует причины неожиданных смертей среди людей, связанных с созданием нового трансконтинентального авилайнера.
Costume Coordinator
Detective Scobie Malone accepts a mission to fly to London to arrest Sir James Quentin, a high-level commissioner wanted down under for murder. But when Malone arrives, he finds that the amiable Quentin is not only the key in groundbreaking peace negotiations, but also the target of an assassin himself.
Costume Design
Популярный Доктор Килмор уволен, после того как был обнаружен в компрометирующем положении на крыше дома медсестёр. Пациенты не хотят потерять его, но доктор Тинкл и главная медсестра непреклонны.
Costume Design
Jonas Wilde, a British secret agent licensed to kill, wants to resign from his murderous work, but his superiors pressure him into taking on a new assignment-the assassination of a defecting Soviet scientist. In the course of the dangerous mission, he discovers a mole has infiltrated British intelligence.
Costume Design
French movie pin up Sophie Hardy is Lisa Milan, a gorgeous Continental film star who's just arrived at Heathrow. She's in London for the premiere of her latest film, but within minutes she's beenw hisked away by her number one fan, Johnny Howjego and his Cockney pals Sammy, Flora and Cabbie Sid.
Costume Design
A bored housewife has an affair with her mother's lodger.
Costume Design
Безработного писателя, во времена холодной войны, британская разведслужба нанимает для выполнения задачи в Праге. По прибытии, он увлекается своей очаровательной сопровождающей — водителем. Которая, естественно, работает в спецслужбе…
Costume Design
When the detective in charge of investigating a series of bank robberies starts to get too close to the culprits, they set up a blackmail scheme to warn him off. But when the crooks begin to fall out with each other, the police learn the truth.
Costume Designer
She's new in chambers, and he's a troublemaker. But what 'is' the true status of the old lady's wartime marriage, and can the two young legal minds find the answer?
Costume Design
A British business tycoon is surprised to discover his teenage daughter is being courted by a mysterious young man.
Costume Design
Flame in the Streets is a 1961 British drama film directed by Roy Ward Baker. Racial tensions manifest themselves at home, work and on the streets during Bonfire Night in the burgeoning West Indian community of early 1960s Britain. Trades union leader (Mills) fights for the rights of a black worker but struggles with the news that his own daughter is planning to marry a West Indian, much against his own logic and the prejudice of his wife.
Costume Design
A Roman Catholic priest defies a Mexican bandit whose gang kills villagers in alphabetical order.
Costume Design
The inhabitants of Todday are content to live their lives in peace and quiet, until, that is, the government decides their little corner of the world would be the perfect place for a rocket launch site.
Costume Design
Апрель 1912 года. Незабываемая ночь, вошедшая в историю человечества как ночь самых страшных потерь и самых больших приобретений. Человеческие потери не сравнимы ни с чем, но и приобретения человеческого духа также невозможно ничем измерить. Итак, 14 апреля. В Соединенные Штаты отправляется самый классный, самый непотопляемый в мире пассажирский лайнер с 2 207 пассажирами и членами команды на борту.
Costume Supervisor
Бывший заключенный Том устраивается на работу в компанию «Хьюлетт» по перевозкам сыпучих грузов. Через некоторое время назревает конфликт с Редом, самым главным и дерзким среди всех водителей. С этого момента начинаются не перевозки, — а гонки, не на жизнь а на смерть…
Costume Design
Капитан КГБ, летчица Винка Коваленко приезжает в Лондон по заданию коммунистической партии. Она стройна и красива, но слишком уж одержима коммунистическим идеями. В Лондоне Винка знакомится с британским капитаном контрразведки, элегантным и обаятельным Чаком Локвудом. Молодые люди полюбили друг друга, а Чаку удалось убедить Винку в преимуществах «западного» мира.
Costume Supervisor
U.S. Embassy employee Lee Cochrane and his wife, Sue, receive a shock when they discover that their 18-month-old son, Simon, has disappeared in London. He was last seen with their nanny, and the couple seemingly have no leads that might help police Detective Craig in his investigation. The media sensationalizes the incident, causing an unnecessary distraction as the couple prepares to confront the culprit face-to-face.
Costume Design
Returning from a cricket match in Ireland, Peter Weston gains a pet alligator from another passenger who abandons it with him. He is horrified and while his first instinct is to get rid of it he develops a relationship with a young Irishwoman who appears to be entwined with the reptile. He soon discovers that Daisy is tame and seems to be the way to Moira's heart.
Costume Design
A young employee of the British State Department falls in love with the daughter of a top Russian diplomat, much to the panic of their respective countries' officials, who suspect espionage. The cast includes David Knight, Odile Versois, Theodore Bikel and David Kossoff.
Costume Design
Based on The Hand and the Flower, a novel by Jerrard Tickell, A Day to Remember stars Stanley Holloway as Charley Porter, captain of London darts team. When the team travels to the French town of Boulogne for the annual darts tournament, a good time is had by all--and more besides. Jim Carver one of the team's members, is reunited with a little French girl he'd befriended during the war, who has now developed into a beautiful young woman. And Fred Collins makes a poignant journey to the hotel where he'd honeymooned with his late wife. The film works best as a low-key comedy-drama; it is least successful when it ventures into O. Henry territory and strains for "surprise" story twists. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi
Costume Supervisor
Private eye Edward Mercer travels to Venice to locate a man due a reward for his aid in the war. Shortly after arriving, he becomes the prime suspect in the murder of his local contact. In his quest to clear his name, Mercer uncovers a conspiracy. Even the local magistrate seems to be working against him, and Mercer begins to suspect the man he came to find is behind it all.
Costume Design
Private eye Edward Mercer travels to Venice to locate a man due a reward for his aid in the war. Shortly after arriving, he becomes the prime suspect in the murder of his local contact. In his quest to clear his name, Mercer uncovers a conspiracy. Even the local magistrate seems to be working against him, and Mercer begins to suspect the man he came to find is behind it all.
Costume Supervisor
Экранизация одноименной пьесы Оскара Уайльда. Две молодые особы Гвендолин и Сесили мечтают выйти замуж за респектабельных, серьезных джентльменов по имени Эрнест. Под эти характеристики категорически не подходят их поклонники — неотразимый эгоист Джон и самовлюбленный хвастун Альджернон. Но это не останавливает двух молодых людей перед стремлением завоевать сердца своих возлюбленных. Они выдумывают себе альтер эго по имени Эрнест и пытаются сосватать его за девушек.
Costume Design
A blackmailer is murdered, and those who witnessed the scene agree to keep quiet; the complication is that the scene is also witnessed by a young artist, a victim of blackmail as well. (BFI Website)
Wardrobe Supervisor
A firm of solicitors do battle with the head of the local council over a parcel of river front land, owned by the Huggett family, in order to build a lido/community center.
Wardrobe Supervisor
Justice, the poets have it, is a blind goddess. Eric Portman stars as the lawyer defending a lord, Hugh Williams, accused by his secretary Michael Dennison of having diverted public funds for his own use.
Costume Design
When a man discovers his wife is having an affair, he commits the perfect crime.
Costume Design
Vivian Kenway, a young Englishman from an aristocratic background, flunks out of Oxford, and decides to use his considerable charm to achieve his goal of, apparently, making dissipation his career. His derelictions include seduction, betrayals of sweethearts, family and friends, and Marriage for money. All this with no signs of remorse or redemption, since his life as a completely unprincipled rake is quite enjoyable...for him, at least. Then, World War II breaks out and he is given a chance to die a heroic death for flag and country. Maybe.