Aurélien Maillé


Production Designer
Alone in his house, Leo, 12 years old, does not want to go to summer camp. When it is close to the time of departure, a disturbing presence prowls around, imitating his voice.
Небо Ливана
Production Design
В 1950-х годах юная Алиса уезжает из Швейцарии в солнечный и кипучий Ливан. Там она влюбляется в Жозефа, мечтательного астрофизика, который намерен отправить в космос первого ливанца. Алиса быстро приживается в его семье. Но после многих лет счастливой жизни их рай разрушает гражданская война...
Asmahan the Diva
Production Designer
The life of Asmahan, the diva and druze princess was short, but what a life ! Marriages, glory, espionage, lovers, alcohol, poker, suicides, murders, scandals… This oriental Marilyn has marked the golden age of the egyptian musical comedies. Today, her voice still resonates everywhere in the Middle East and her mysterious death in the waters of the Nile still feeds the wildest rumors…
Conte de fées à l'usage des moyennes personnes
Art Designer
Traumatised by a painfull breakup, Joseph decides on stepping out of his house, and finding some sugar in order to remove bitterness from his life.
The Mummy
Assistant Art Director
A man dressed up in a mummy costume begs in the street every day at the same place, ready to do anything it takes to earn a few coins.
Production Designer
Since the time that he had dreamed about it, Maximilien, is about to get his silver piercing.