Ellemieke Middelhoff


De club van Sinterklaas en de race tegen de klok
In the film, St. Nicolas' Eve threatens to be canceled because a young Piet drops St. Nicholas's clock. In addition, the Saint's horse is behaving very strangely because he has run into Britt Dekker.
De Club van Sinterklaas en het Vergeten Pietje
Young Fernando will unintentionally bring St. Nicholas' eve in danger when he misses the boat with the golden key in his pocket. With his best friend Pony he trots as fast as he can overland to Holland, but will he still be on time?
Only Time Will Tell
Dimitri is lonely and depressed: since his shop in party goods went bankrupt, he has been struggling with a dead-end situation, with all the mess in his house and everyday troubles like a leaking freezer. Marina recently ended her relationship and decided to set off on an adventure. She finds Dimitri via a website for cheap lodgings. It seems something beautiful may develop between them, perhaps even romantically. But not everything is what it seems in this dark fairy-tale.
Старые шпионские игры
Assistant Editor
В свое время Адерет был одним из лучших секретных агентов в мире. Но время идёт, и вот уже начальство считает его слишком старым и отправляет шпиона в вынужденную отставку. Последний шанс восстановить былую репутацию появляется благодаря секретной операции, которая наводит Адерета на след поставщика химического оружия. Пока он выслеживает Анджелу, руководство посылает за ним молодого оперативника Дэниэла. Вновь ввязавшись в знакомую игру в кошки-мышки, старый разведчик постепенно понимает, что из охотника превратился в жертву.
'Skinache' tells the story of the 49 year old Johan Reijmer. An isolated systems manager who's skin, the only thing that still embraces his body is starting to fall off because of a chronic lack of physical contact. To find a solution he will have to go way out of his comfort zone: from hugging therapy to visiting prostitutes. All the while with the clock ticking. As a systems manager, he knows how to connect everybody using his computer network, but making a personal connection is something he just can't do.
The Boys Next Door
The Boys Next Door is a short documentary in which director Bobbie Fay Brandsen examines how she should live together with her new neighbors, Mootie from Syria, Meron from Eritrea and Salihou from Senegal. A film about integration, cultural differences, idealism but even more about the question: 'can we, despite all our differences, live together and if yes, how?' This film is one of the graduation documentaries from the class of 2017 made by a crew entirely consisting of students of the Dutch Filmacademy.