Zaki Ibrahim

Zaki Ibrahim

Рождение : 1884-09-09,

Смерть : 1971-02-16


Zaki Ibrahim


The Unknown Man
Safia is a beautiful girl from the countryside, who is loved by two men: Rashwan, the mayor's son, and Hamid, the poor young man. Her father approves her marriage to Rashwan, but Rashwan soon changes his mind, as he tries to get close to Hamdiya, Hamid's sister.
Meeting at the Tower
Adel and Amal meet during their return from a cruise and they fall in love and promise to marry after six months at the Cairo Tower. Will they manage to honor their promise?
Serr el ghaeb
A wealthy merchant monopolized the grain trade and used to hide it from time to time in order to manipulate its prices in the market, in this way it is a great wealth, suddenly the merchant disappears and leaves his wife who fails to know the secret of his sudden disappearance. She works for an accountant young man, who quickly falls in love with her, and at the same time helps her manage the department store.
No Discussion
No Discussion
For Love
Araess fil mazad
A father sees that he marries his three daughters from wealthy men in order to guarantee them a happy life and a secure future, but this idea was not accepted by his children, so the eldest daughter decides to flee from her home and join a young man who is in love with him, while the second goes on the path of vice and ends her life in a hospital Mental diseases, the third is working in a company that works as a typewriter, she meets her colleague, the engineer who works for the company, and they agree to marry.
Sheikh Hassan
Sheikh Hassan loves Louisa, the sister of his friend's student, they get married against the blessing of their parents. His mother dies of grief at the separation of her son, so his father pressed him to return home. They're forced to get divorced but Louisa is pregnant with Sheikh Hassan's child.
Борьба в долине
Египет. 50-е годы. Окончив сельскохозяйственный институт, Ахмад вернулся домой, мечтая помочь полунищим односельчанам вырастить богатый урожай. Опасаясь конкуренции с их стороны, паша и его племянник Рияд-бей решают залить всё водой и открывают плотину. Чтобы замести следы преступления, Рияд-бей убивает шейха деревни, обвинив в его гибели отца Ахмада. Юноше, пытающемуся найти виновника трагедии, помогает дочь паши Амаль — их детская дружба давно переросла в любовь. Стремясь спасти дочь, скрывшуюся с Ахмедом в развалинах храма, паша называет имя преступника.
Ana El-Hobu
The engineer Nagy returns from his travels abroad when he meets Olfat whom he falls in love with and shares his feelings towards her with her. However, she is suddenly not to be found which leads him to search for her everywhere.
فاعل خير
A poor young man loves art and music. There is a love relationship between him and a rich girl. This girl appreciates his art and creation. Her father rejects this relationship, but stands in her way and declares that he does not agree with their marriage. His argument is that the young man is still in the first path of art. His daughter in case the artist stabilizes materially
Дом № 13
Abu Nadia
Психиатр в приступе гнева убил молодого человека Аббаса и планирует интригу, чтобы снять с себя малейшие подозрения. Введя в гипноз своего друга и пациента Шарифа, психиатр убеждает его в том, что это он убил Аббаса. Он также приказывает Шарифу принести ему деньги, которые должна получить жена Аббаса, и всё это для того, чтобы Шариф выглядел подозреваемым. Все улики против несчастного Шарифа, который был арестован во время своей свадьбы.
Wahiba malikat al-ghagar
"Wahiba - Queen of the Gypsies" - dancing, music, exoticism and forbidden pleasures.
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
Ali Baba lives in poverty while his brother Qasim lives a wealthy life. One day Ali Baba discovers a secret cave which contains countless treasures. He tries to solve his financial problems with thehe contents of the cave, but as Qasim enters the picture, things turn irreversibly.
Lend Me Three Pounds
Osman Abdel Basit is a Nubian man working in a school who tries to get three pounds to pay his mortgage, which is due , otherwise he will lose his house. He moves from one job to another, and from one chance to the next to get the three pounds.
سلفني 3 جنيه
Othman Abdel-Basit, a Nubian man working in a school, is trying to find three pounds in order to pay off the mortgage of his house, which is due to be paid, otherwise he will lose his house, and from here he tries to move from one job to the other, and from the opportunity to the second in order to obtain the three pounds.