Léo Parmentier


Tender Point Ruin
An exquisite corpse, the film extends the artist’s interests in the writings of Etel Adnan, the coming present and the personal as political.
Summer 2016, somewhere in French provencal Drôme, a mysterious plague strikes in the villages: swarms of white butterflies invaded the area. At dusk, everyone is locked up home, trapped by the seemingly unstoppable vermin. As the big swarm approaches, Lou discovers both the strange insects and her feelings for her friend Sam. By the end of the season, the moths will have devastated the entirety of the century-old box trees, leaving a ruined landscape behind them.
Sara is spending her summer at Denis and Annie's small lavender production. The couple lives with their nephew Victor who is immersed in a deep mutism. Lavender tells the encounter of these 2 teenagers completely poles apart but that a family secret will soon unite.
Assistant Editor
Действие картины разворачивается в 1983 году. Здесь, посреди диких земель, сломленный и одержимый Ред Миллер открывает кровавую охоту на членов сатанинской секты, погубивших единственную любовь всей его жизни.
Assistant Editor
Бывший телохранитель ради своей дочери вынужден внедриться в опасную криминальную организацию.