Yves Gourmeur


Apaches: Gang of Paris
1900. From Montmartre to Belleville, Paris is in the hands of ultra-violent gangs that reign terror on the capital: the Apaches. Ready to do anything to avenge the death of her brother, a young woman joins a gang. But the closer she gets to the man she wants to eliminate, the more fascinated she becomes by him.
Marco & Polo Go Round
Marco & Polo Go Round is a comedic love story with a very surreal twist. A couple confronts the difficulties in their relationship as gravity turns on its head and their world literally falls apart around them.
Original Music Composer
For her birthday, Julie has received a strange mirror.
Операция «Колибри»
Original Music Composer
Как заработать миллионы на бирже? Можно долго учиться на трейдера, а можно протянуть кабель через всю страну и получать котировки раньше остальных. Антон и Винсент решают провернуть аферу века, но на их пути встаёт Эва Торрес — роковая женщина и беспринципный злой гений.
Original Music Composer
Doctor Lepage knows his wife Françoise through and through. He protects her, watching over her. In a masterly way he chases all 'butterflies' away that come in her neighborhood. Françoise knows that she is nice.