Anton Amundsen


Production Assistant
Юная Тельма влюбляется. Пробуждающиеся чувства внезапно высвобождают ее пугающие тёмные способности. Когда подруга Тельмы пропадает, девушка осознает, что это может быть ее виной…
The film is about a Norwegian music student, Lenn. He is 21 years old and the last pieces of the puzzle of his upbringing is taking a bit longer than it should. He is struggling with the economy, lies on instinct and has ambitions at the height of Napoleon. Lenn is trying to juggle all of this to keep up an image. But it doesn't take long before there are too many balls in the air.
The film is about a Norwegian music student, Lenn. He is 21 years old and the last pieces of the puzzle of his upbringing is taking a bit longer than it should. He is struggling with the economy, lies on instinct and has ambitions at the height of Napoleon. Lenn is trying to juggle all of this to keep up an image. But it doesn't take long before there are too many balls in the air.