Director of Photography
Легенда гласит, что где-то в Маньчжурии живет слон, который сидит неподвижно, не обращая внимания на окружающий мир. Идея отправиться в Маньчжурию и увидеть этого слона захватывает персонажей фильма, мечтающих вырваться из замкнутого круга поступков и их последствий. Защищая друга от школьного хулигана, Вэй Бу толкает того с лестницы. Хулигана госпитализируют с серьезной травмой, а Вэй бежит из города. Вместе с ним окажутся и его сосед-пенсионер, которого выгоняет из дома сын, и его одноклассница, влюбленная в своего учителя. Тем временем Вэя разыскивают брат хулигана, учителя и родители.
This film describes the simple rural youth Mao Sanjin who went to the city to go to relatives, intending to make a career in the metropolis, but didn't want to be involved in a family struggle. After seeing the warmth and warmth of the city, after fighting over and over, Mao Sanjin I was extremely disappointed in the city, and finally returned to my own life and reaped love.
This short film is about two people who have been released from prison who have been marginalized from society want to use their talents to gain a little more confidence and hope for themselves. Using the draft as a platform, they went through many twists and turns for this stage, but in the end they missed the opportunity for good luck, but they stood on the empty stage and completed their explanation.
This short film is about two people who have been released from prison who have been marginalized from society want to use their talents to gain a little more confidence and hope for themselves. Using the draft as a platform, they went through many twists and turns for this stage, but in the end they missed the opportunity for good luck, but they stood on the empty stage and completed their explanation.
Director of Photography