Stuart Bruce


Пропавший король
Sound Recordist
An amateur historian defies the academic establishment in her efforts to find King Richard III's remains, which were lost for over 500 years.
The Ornament of the World
Filmed in Cordoba, Granada, Seville, and Toledo, this documentary retraces the 800-year period in medieval Spain when Muslims, Christians, and Jews forged a common cultural identity that frequently transcended their religious differences, revealing what made this rare and fruitful collaboration possible, and what ultimately tore it apart.
Король вне закона
Sound Mixer
История Роберта Брюса, одного из величайших шотландских монархов, организатора обороны страны в начальный период войны за независимость против Англии.
Sound Recordist
История Джоан Кастлман, которая состояла в браке с известным писателем сорок лет и внезапно решила развестись с ним. Ситуация примечательна тем, что Джоан оставляет супруга накануне вручения тому Нобелевской премии.
Sound Mixer
История Джоан Кастлман, которая состояла в браке с известным писателем сорок лет и внезапно решила развестись с ним. Ситуация примечательна тем, что Джоан оставляет супруга накануне вручения тому Нобелевской премии.
Город тусклых огней
Sound Mixer
Главный герой Томми Ахтар живёт в Лондоне и зарабатывает на жизнь частным сыском. Однажды к нему обращается проститутка и просит его найти бесследно пропавшую подругу. Он соглашается, и вскоре водоворот событий вовлекает его в мир политических интриг и религиозных предрассудков.
Lava Land - Glowing Hawaii
Hawaii, with its tropical rainforests and diverse coral reef is a spectacular natural paradise for travellers, surfers and all fans of breathtaking sandy beaches and lush green mountains. But life on the American island chain also has a dangerous side: permanently active volcanoes, lava caves, and even burning lava pours into the sea! Here you can see black smoke rise up, spray the red-hot magma into the sky and feel how the earth trembles. Located on the Pacific plate is unusual for volcanoes, Hawaii is thus researchers a fascinating destination. At Kilauea, the most active volcano on earth, the inhabitants have to live in constant danger found over the centuries cope. Lava Land - Glowing Hawaii takes you into the world of researchers and residents on the Big Iceland, the largest island of Hawaii.
Secret Life of the Rainforest
Join scientists, as they visit Barro Colorado Island in the centre of the Panama Canal, travelling deep into nature’s most stunning habitats.
The Death of Klinghoffer
Sound Recordist
An adaptation from the controversial John Adams opera about the true life incident that took place in the mid 80s. The liner "Achille Lauro" is on a 12-day cruise in the Mediterranean. While the ship is docked in Alexandria, a maid discovers that four of the passengers are actually members of the Palestine Liberation Organization traveling incognito. Startled by their discovery, the PLO cadre is forced to act. They take the passengers on board hostage and demand the release of 50 Palestinian activists held in Israeli jails. As Egyptian, American, Italian, and Palestinian authorities bicker over the best way to handle the situation (and who would negotiate with the terrorists), the kidnappers find themselves dealing with rebellion among their captives, and an argument between the four PLO members and Leon Klinghoffer, a Jewish-American confined to a wheelchair, eventually escalates into violence.
Sound Recordist
It's the Christmas season. With her mum's help, Lynne, a girl of perhaps eight, dresses up; her younger brother Steven plays with a toy car. The children leave with their dad, who's affectionate towards them. They walk down a railroad track where an unkempt woman waits with two children, about the same age as Lynne and Steven. The children go with them. They're all headed to a holiday party at a pub. Lynne notices that the girl acts a little too familiar with her dad. What's going on?