Taku Furusawa


Vermilion Souls
The Chief
Set in Tokyo seven years after the end of WWII, this surreal story revolves around the dreams and realities of a young boy who strays into a strange mansion while out chasing fliers dropped by a small aeroplane. Confined inside are four adults suffering from an incurable disease ('porphyria', which the author avoids specifying by name in the screenplay) which prevents them from having exposure to the sun.
Performance by Taku Furusawa
This film documents a performance by Taku Furusawa, acting as the Aoyama Outpost of the Kingdom of Lilliput under the influence of Matsuzawa associate Shō Kazakura. Furusawa also acted in the underground theatre group Theater Yakōkan (Night Theater), which had ties with Matsuzawa as well, and in his later years was active under the name Kubikukuri Takuzō, but this film is a valuable document of his early convulsive performance.
World Uprising: Earth Sound Transmission Ritual
Camera person unknown, 1971, B&W, silent, 18 min. Courtesy of Kumiko Matsuzawa. This film documents actions performed for World Uprising by Taii Ashizawa and Taku Furusawa, who worked together as Satsuma Workshop. According to the art magazine Bijutsu Techō, Ashizawa acting on behalf of the Interstellar Vibration Association and conducted an Earth Sound Transmission Ritual consisting of three parts. In Ritual One, four people respond to the four fundamental elements (fire, water, earth, air) and emanate earth sounds through psychokinesis. In Ritual Two, the sound of the earth is transmitted via radio waves. Ritual Three shows the sound of the earth extinguished in a fire on an altar, and reproduced and transmitted into outer space through the wisdom of a fire deity. The film documents Ritual One, as well as Taku Furusawa is performing Ritual One / EVENT at the same site and going into convulsions.