Meyer Davis


Совет и согласие
Orchestra Conductor
Роберт Леффингуэлл кандидат на пост государственного секретаря. В Сенате по его персоне нет единодушия. Сторонники Леффингуэлла пытаются протолкнуть назначение, но и среди них нет согласия — молодой сенатор Брингэм Андерсон, чей голос чрезвычайно важен, не хочет поддержать лидера своей партии. Это приводит к тому, что сенатор Фред ван Аккерман, беспощадный, рвущийся к власти коллега, начинает шантажировать Андерсона. Он находит доказательства гомосексуализма Андерсона и угрожает их обнародовать в прессе, если тот не проголосует «правильно». Это неожиданно приводит к самым трагическим последствиям.
Bubbling Over
Associate Producer
In this all-black short musical comedy, a woman has a husband so lazy she can stick a pin in him without him waking up... but announcing lunch gets him up pretty fast. She's also saddled with a bevy of his lazy relatives. Four more come by and sing as a quartet. After the wife learns they had been traveling men, she advises them to keep traveling and kicks them out...
Rambling 'Round Radio Row #5
The Happines Boys Billy Jones and Earnie Hare are invited to a party, but separate themselves from the rest of the guests, so they can not be urged to perform. However, they are watching the other guests from radio doing their stuff: song team Reece & Dunn, as well as the Funnyboners are singing, Smith Ballew and Frances Langford are exchanging love songs, Arthur Tracy tries his luck with a girl, just to find out that she prefers Bing Crosby and 4 orchestra leaders are trying to find out, who the best conductor is, by conducting a piece of recorded music....