Подростки, осужденные на исправительные работы, оказываются на священной земле коренных американцев. Никто из них и не подозревал, что эти места - обитель древнего демона. Есть только два выхода из леса: поддаваться злу или умереть.
Party Girl 1
The passengers on the Night Bus have many different stories -- some are lovers, some have dark secrets, some are looking for a fight, others are just trying to get through the night.
Mike Sullivan
Mike Sullivan spends his nights kidnapping runaways so his boss, Lamar, can turn them into prostitutes. He is a crack addict and a thief and he is in love with a resentful prostitute, Rhonda, who doesn't love him back. Although he has aspirations of escaping this world, it isn't until he is nearly killed by corrupt cops for stealing money from his boss that he decides to redeem himself. In an attempt to save his own soul, he tries to get Rhonda out of the business, and is forced to battle Lamar and his henchmen, as well as Rhonda's unwillingness to change. As punishment for betraying Lamar, Mike is forced into a series of misdeeds, and in a shocking ending, must commit unredeemable acts as he tries to save Rhonda and himself.
They say that pimpin' ain't easy, well being pimped is even harder. That's something Dream and Shan know all to well. But they are looking for an out from their depressing lives as prostitutes and junkies, question is will they find it?