Robert Dudley

Robert Dudley

Рождение : 1869-09-13, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Смерть : 1955-11-12


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Robert Dudley (September 13, 1869 – September 15*, 1955) was a dentist turned film character actor who, in his 35-year career, appeared in more than 115 films. Dudley was born in Cincinnati, Ohio and was educated at Lake Forest College in Evanston, Illinois and Chicago, where he majored in oral surgery. In 1917 he appeared in his first film, Seven Keys to Baldpate, and then made three other silent films through 1921. After 1922 he worked consistently, appearing in three or four films a year, and making the transition to sound films in 1929 with The Bellamy Trial. Dudley often played characters with a quick temper, including jurors, shopkeepers, ticket agents, court clerks and justices of the peace, as well as an occasional farmer, hobo, or laborer. His performances in these small parts were frequently uncredited. In the 1940s, Dudley was part of Preston Sturges' unofficial "stock company" of character actors, appearing in six films written and directed by Sturges. His most distinctive and memorable role for Sturges was the "Wienie King" in 1942's The Palm Beach Story, the funny little self-made rich man with a big hat who spontaneously bankrolls Claudette Colbert and Joel McCrea on their escapade. The 5' 9" Dudley, who was the founder of the "Troupers Club of Hollywood", was married to Elaine Anderson, and they had two girls, Jewell and Patricia Lee. He made his final film, As Young as You Feel, in 1951, and died in 1955 in San Clemente, California. *[TMDb note: The California Death Index indicates that Mr. Dudley died on 12 November 1955. That date should therefore be considered accurate and official.]


Robert Dudley


Большой куш
Билл Лоуренс выигрывает множество призов в радиовикторине. Однако, счастье Билла недолговечно: он обнаруживает, что ему придется продать призы для того, чтобы заплатить налог на них.
Strike It Rich
When not drinking and fighting, three wildcatters in search of a gusher are enthusiastically drilling for black gold. The trouble begins when one of them grows dissatisfied with their lifestyle and quits so he can be with his new wife. Unfortunately for him, soon after he leaves, the other two find their gusher and become filthy rich. The impoverished quitter is envious and begins looking for an obscure law that will force his pals to share.
Race Street
Pop (Watchman) (uncredited)
A night club owner takes on the crooks who killed his best friend.
Sleep, My Love
Bar Patron at The Maples
A woman wakes up in the middle of the night on board a train, but she can't remember how she got there. Danger and suspense ensue.
Christmas Eve
Robert - Matilda's Chauffeur (uncredited)
The greedy nephew of eccentric Matilda Reid seeks to have her judged incompetent so he can administer her wealth, but she will be saved if her three long-lost adopted sons appear for a Christmas Eve reunion. Separate stories reveal Michael as a bankrupt playboy loved by loyal Ann; Mario as a seemingly shady character tangling with a Nazi war criminal in South America; Jonathan as a hard-drinking rodeo rider intent on a flirtatious social worker. Is there hope for Matilda?
Волшебный город
Специалист по проведению опросов общественного мнения находит город, который является идеальным зеркалом общественных мнений США.
Living in a Big Way
A World War II pilot (Gene Kelly) comes home to a bride (Marie McDonald) who, spoiled by her father (Charles Winninger), now wants a divorce.
The Sin of Harold Diddlebock
Robert McDuffy
Twenty-three years after scoring the winning touchdown for his college football team mild-mannered Harold Diddlebock, who has been stuck in a dull, dead-end book-keeping job for years, is let go by his pompous boss, advertising tycoon J.E. Wagglebury, with nothing but a tiny pension. Harold, who never touches the stuff, takes a stiff drink with his new pal... and another, and another. What happened Wednesday?
Singin' in the Corn
Gramp McCoy
Judy McCoy, a fortune teller with a circus, learns she has inherited some property and heads west to collect. When she arrives in the desert ghost town, she learns that a stipulation in the will is that she has to return the property to the rightful owners, an Indian tribe, before she gets the remaining inheritance
San Quentin
Fuller (uncredited)
An ex-con sets up a program to straighten out hard-core prisoners. Things don't go as planned.
События фильма разворачиваются в 1877 году в штате Техас. Ковбой Клэй Хардин задался непростой целью положить конец бесчинствам Роя Стюарта, главаря банды воров, которые угоняют скот у ранчеро. Борьба происходит не только с бандитами, но и в его сердце - Хардин полюбил Жанну Старр, певицу из принадлежащего его врагу салуна.
The Doughgirls
Hotel Waiter
Arthur and Vivian are just married, but when the get to their honeymoon suite in Washington D.C., they find it occupied. Arthur goes to meet Slade, his new boss, and when he comes back, he finds three girls in his suite. He orders Vivian to get rid of them, but they are friends of Vivian's and as time goes by, it looks more like Grand Central Station than the quiet honeymoon suite Arthur expected. As long as there is anyone else in the suite, Arthur will not stay there and there will be no honeymoon.
Чудо в Морганс-Крик
Man (uncredited)
После вечеринки по случаю проводов отряда военных, взбалмошная девица Труди Кокенлокер из провинциального городка наутро оказывается замужем и беременной и не помнит, кто является её мужем и отцом ребенка. Местный парень Норвелл Джонс, влюблённый в неё много лет, пытается помочь ей выпутаться из этого затруднительного положения. Они заключают фиктивный брак под чужой фамилией, который впоследствии был признан законным. Из-за этого фиктивного брака, Норвелл оказывается обвинен в мошенничестве и посажен в тюрьму. Пока Норвелл отсиживал свой срок, Труди рожает шестерых близнецов и весть об этом событии разлетается по всему миру. Норвелл же, выйдя из тюрьмы, ничего об этом не знает, приезжает увидеться с Труди, где ему сообщают эту радостную весть, от чего он чуть не сходит с ума. В 2000 году фильм вошел в список «100 лучших комедий» по оценкам Американского института кино (AFI).
Казанова Браун
Justice Of The Peace
Казанова Браун совсем не соответствует своей знаменитой фамилии, он — скромный профессор лингвистики в университете. Буквально накануне свадьбы он получает приглашение в больницу Чикаго, в родильное отделение, что заставляет его вспомнить о скоротечном браке почти год назад. Решив поехать в Чикаго, он и не подозревал как могут быть сильны отцовские чувства…
Это случилось завтра
Justice of the Peace (uncredited)
Молодой журналист Ларри Стивенс работает в газете "Вечерние новости". Однажды в праздной беседе он говорит, что не прочь бы почитать газеты за будущее, чтобы знать, что случится. Говоря эти слова, он не задумывается над их смыслом, однако очень скоро работающий в редакции престарелый Папаша Бенсон и на самом деле дает ему газету, которая должна будет выйти только завтра вечером. Казалось бы, как хорошо знать о том, что еще только произойдет. Но так ли это хорошо на самом деле? Роль полицейского инспектора играет Эдгар Кеннеди, хорошо знакомый нам по фильмам с участием Лорела и Харди.
Main Street Today
Frank Hostetter (uncredited)
This patriotic short film promotes America's war effort at home. The story looks at a fictional small town's main street, seeing where additional workforce, for increased production of materials needed by the military, might come from.
Happy Land
Old Man Bowers
An Iowa drugstore owner becomes embittered when his son is killed in World War II. The druggist believes that the boy's life was cut short before he had an opportunity to truly appreciate his existence.
Сын Дракулы
Justice of the Peace Jonathan Kirby (uncredited)
Путешествуя по американскому югу, венгерский граф Алукард находит себе невесту. Вскоре выясняется, что его пассия сильно увлечена оккультизмом, и граф, будучи вампиром, решает удовлетворить её любопытство в этом вопросе.
Honeymoon Lodge
Elderly Man
Honeymoon Lodge is a musical variation on the old Awful Truth plotline. Divorce-bound Bob and Carol Sterling (David Bruce, June Vincent) make a last-ditch attempt to avoid their legal breakup by restaging their mountain-resort honeymoon. Things get complicated when a rancher named Big Boy (Rod Cameron, in a Ralph Bellamy-style "sap" role) shows up at the resort in ardent pursuit of Carol, while Lorraine Logan (Harriet Hilliard) sets her cap for Bob.
The Ghost and the Guest
Ben Bowron
Newlyweds Webster and Jackie Frye spend their honeymoon in a sinister old country house. Before long, they are besieged by a gang of crooks, searching for a fortune in diamonds. With the help of chauffeur Harmony Jones, the honeymooners attempt to outsmart the villains.
Приключения в Палм-Бич
Wienie King
Том и Джерри Джефферс женаты уже несколько лет, но супружеская жизнь не складывается. Низкой зарплаты Тома не хватает на содержание их супружеского гнездышка, и молодым грозит выселение из квартиры. Джерри знакомится со странным богатым человечком по прозвищу «Король сосисок», который в будущем вроде бы должен занять их квартиру. Новый знакомый дает ей 700 долларов для начала «новой жизни». Том не верит в «просто благотворительность» миллионера, и, подозревая измену, устраивает скандал. Милые ссорятся «навсегда». Джерри, посчитав, что их супружеской жизни пришел конец, отправляется в Палм-Бич, где надеется оформить быстрый развод. Том, взвесив все за и против в сложившейся ситуации, намерен ей помешать…
Дьявол и Дэниэл Уэбстер
Lem (uncredited)
Джейбз Стоун, простой фермер в Новой Англии, страдает от неурожая и долгов и не видит смысла продолжать заниматься фермерством. В отчаянии, он говорит, что готов продать душу в обмен на деньги и достойный урожай. Тут как тут появляется некий мистер Скрэтч, и предлагает контракт на семь лет: деньги, процветание и удача в обмен на душу. Вскоре к Стоуну приходит успех и он становится самым богатым фермером Новой Англии. Однако он становится тираном и теряет любовь семьи и уважение друзей. Через семь лет Стоун осознает свою ошибку, но контракт есть контракт. И спасти его может только блистательный оратор, возможно будущий президент Соединенных Штатов - Дэниэл Уэбстер...
Гражданин Кейн
Photographer (uncredited)
Фильм об истории репортера, которому поручено выяснить подробности биографии недавно умершего газетного магната Кейна.
Леди Ева
Husband on Ship (uncredited)
После года проведенного на Амазонке, хороший знаток змей, но плохой знаток женщин, на океанском лайнере возвращается домой Чарльз Пайк. Он сын пивного короля и каждая девушка мечтает о знакомстве с ним. Но только Джин удается с маху преодолеть его рассеянность и застенчивость. Бедняга как муха на мед летит в объятия напористой искусительницы, не подозревая, что у Джин совсем не романтические планы… Она и ее отец — знаменитые карточные шулера и для нее охмурить мужчину, что передернуть колоду…
When the Daltons Rode
Pete Norris - Juror
Young lawyer Tod Jackson arrives in pioneer Kansas to visit his prosperous rancher friends the Daltons, just as the latter are in danger of losing their land to a crooked development company. When Tod tries to help them, a faked murder charge turns the Daltons into outlaws, but more victims than villains in this fictionalized version. Will Tod stay loyal to his friends despite falling in love with Bob Dalton's former fiancée Julie?
Незнакомец на третьем этаже
Postman (uncredited)
Репортёр Майк Уорд — главный свидетель по делу об убийстве. Он видел обвиняемого Бриггса стоящим возле тела убитого в кафе, и это ключевое свидетельства для признания вины Бриггса. Джейн, невеста Уорда, сомневается в несомненности его показаний, и эти сомнения начинают преследовать репортёра.
Lucky Partners
Two strangers split a sweepstake prize to go on a fake honeymoon with predictable results.
Haunted House
Hank Edwards
Teenagers try to clear a friend accused of murder.
Дом о семи фронтонах
Jury Foreman
Над родом Пинченов довлеет старое проклятие. Однажды, чтобы заполучить земли простого плотника Мэттью Моула, полковник Джеффри Пинчен обвинил его в колдовстве, и Моул был казнен, однако успел проклясть с эшафота своего убийцу. На его землях полковник возвел Дом о семи фронтонах, который с тех самых пор стал родовой собственностью Пинченов. В день окончания строительства полковник Пинчен умер загадочной смертью. Спустя много лет, в 1828 году, в доме живут четверо Пинченов: престарелый отец семейства, юная и хорошенькая кузина Гефсиба, младший сын Клиффорд, прогрессивно мыслящий музыкант, а также старший сын, студент-юрист Джеффри, суеверный юноша, которому никак не дают покоя мифические богатства, спрятанные в доме предками.
Мистер Смит едет в Вашингтон
Reporter (uncredited)
Наивный идеалист Джефферсон Смит, лидер организации Мальчиков Рейнджеров назначен представителем в Сенат. Он объединяется со старшим сенатором от своего штата, однако не подозревает, как много людей вокруг него ведут двойную игру и выполняют приказания тех, кто выше. Наивный молодой сенатор сталкивается с понятиями коррупции, грязной игры, лживости и заангажированности прессы.
Yankee Doodle Goes to Town
Shopkeeper (uncredited)
Made just before America would be forced into the Second World War, this short subject is a brief dramatized history of American democracy. It targets a perceived threat to democracy from board room and soapbox fascists who advocated a government based upon contemporaneous European models.
Court Clerk
A modest country doctor in the antebellum South has to contend with his daughter's upcoming marriage and an affectionate medicine show elephant.
Almost a Gentleman
Saving a dog from the pound gets a man mixed up in murder.
The Toast of New York
After the American Civil War, Jim Fisk, a former peddler and cotton smuggler, arrives in New York, along with his partners Nick and Luke, where he struggles to make his way through the treacherous world of Wall Street's financial markets.
The Mighty Treve
Rancher at Auction
Story of a dog that is fanatically devoted to its master.
Store Owner (uncredited)
По рассказу "Правило толпы" Нормана Красны. Фильм основан на реальных событиях, происшедших в окрестностях Сан-Франциско в 1930-е годы. Спровоцированная толпа обывателей провинциального городка осаждает и поджигает тюрьму, где заключен подозреваемый в похищении детей совершенно невиновный человек.
The Perfect Set-Up
Theatre Employee Shooting Victim (uncredited)
In this MGM "Crime Does Not Pay" series short, a radio and television engineer falls into a life of crime by dismantling alarms for robberies.
Paddy O'Day
Robert - Chauffeur
A wealthy, eccentric collector of stuffed birds (Pinky Tomlin) and a beautiful Russian singer (Rita Hayworth) provide refuge to an orphaned Irish child (Jane Withers) who has arrived illegally in New York. Director Lewis Seiler's 1936 comedy, with numerous songs, also features Jane Darwell, George Givot, Robert Dudley, Vera Lewis, Louise Carter, Francis Ford, Russell Simpson and Clarence Wilson.
Парень из Фриско
Vigilante Leader (uncredited)
Сан-Франциско, 1854 год. Бывший моряк Бэт Морган в драке убивает опасного бандита Дака и попадает на страницы газеты «Трибьюн». Вскоре Бэт знакомится с владелицей газеты и светской дамой Джин Баррат. Решив добиться её расположения, он использует весь свой ум и упорство, чтобы стать во главе всех городских игровых залов и притонов. Довольно быстро Морган превращается в одного из самых богатых и влиятельных людей города, но это не приносит ему счастья. Джин, привлечённая обаянием Бэта, влюбляется в него, но отказывается выйти за него замуж из-за его безнравственного образа жизни. Тем временем в городе нарастает недовольство безнаказанностью преступников и бессилием закона.
3 Kids and a Queen
An eccentric, wealthy spinster, 'Queenie' Baxter is erroneously presumed to be kidnapped. She subsequently pretends to indeed be kidnapped, , in order to allow a reward of $50,000 to benefit an impecunious family headed by Tony Orsatti and his three sons, Blackie, Doc and Flash.
Wild Gold
Hotel Clerk (uncredited)
A young man desperately in love with a nightclub singer sees an opportunity to spend some time alone with her when they're traveling through the Nevada gold country, and he takes the carburetor off her car and throws it in the river, stranding them there. They wind up staying at the cabin of a crusty old prospector, and soon the manager of a nightclub act shows up with his bevy of beautiful showgirls.
Midnight Mary
Mannering's Night Watchman (uncredited)
A young woman is on trial for murder. In flashback, we learn of her struggles to overcome poverty as a teenager -- a mistaken arrest and prison term for shoplifting and lack of employment lead to involvement with gangsters. In a brothel, she meets a young lawyer, scion of a wealthy and prestigious family, who falls for her and helps her turn around her life. But her past catches up with her, and she must face the music rather than cause him scandal.
Face in the Sky
Minister (uncredited)
Joe and Lucky travel around New England painting barns in exchange for an advertisement on one side. The meet Madge, who is cruelly treated by a her father who plans to marry her off to someone she despises.
Three Wise Girls
Lem - the Druggist
Romantic comedy drama about three friends in New York. Cassie has come to New York and goes to work as a model where her friend Gladys works. She falls in love with wealthy young Jerry who is already married. Gladys has the same probelm with her man Phelps.
An American Tragedy
Juror (uncredited)
A social climber charms a debutante, seduces a factory worker and commits murder.
Scandal Sheet
Flint's Secretary
Confirming his principle that no one escapes the news, a tabloid editor prints a scathing story about his wife.
Mr. Christopher (uncredited)
Margaret Holt and her brother Victor set out to smash a narcotics ring responsible for their father's death. Young reporter John Howell and eccentric mystery writer Winthrop Clavering help unravel the truth about the murder.
Dames Ahoy
Three sailors go searching for a girl who swindled one of them out of half his pay.
Burning Up
Racecar-driver Lou Larrigan gets mixed up with a crooked gang of racetrack promoters, and is in love with Ruth Morgan, whose father is marked as a victim by the gang.
Wide Open
Office Worker
An eccentric, fluttery bachelor is dismayed to discover an undressed woman in his apartment.
Big News
Telegraph Editor
A reporter's marriage is jeopardized by his drinking and he finds himself accused of a murder he didn't commit.
Shanghai Rose
Shanghai Rose is the proprietress of a gin mill which doubles as a bordello. A murder occurs, and she is put on trial for her life. A series of flashbacks "reconstruct" the crime from several different points of view -- and as the story progresses, it becomes less and less obvious that Rich is the guilty party.
Fools for Luck
Jim Simpson
Wealthy Sam Hunter is approached by scheming Richard Whitehead about investing in oil. There appears to be no oil, and everyone is angry until oil is re-discovered.
The Night Flyer
Jimmy Bradley, a fireman on the old locomotive No. 99, loves Kate Murphy, daughter of the proprietress of the local lunch counter. His rival, Bat Mullins, is engineer of the new mail train scheduled to make a competition run. When Mullins overturns the new train, Bradley completes the run and earns the contract for his company by delivering the mail in record time on No. 99. A promotion to engineer helps him win Kate.
Casey at the Bat
Farmer (uncredited)
Casey is a slovenly junk man in a turn of the twentieth century hick town who has a remarkable ability to play baseball. An unscrupulous New York scout signs him up, so Casey and his equally dishonest manager go to the big leagues. Eventually, the scout and manager conspire to get him drunk and bet against him for a crucial game with the pennant at stake.
The Marriage Clause
A Broadway actress becomes a star due to the guidance of her director. The two fall in love, but are prevented from marrying due to a clause put into her contract by her producer.
По воле небес
Harold's Secretary (uncredited)
Молодой миллионер-бездельник Гарольд Мэннерс, живёт беспечно и совсем не знает жизни без денег. Но всё меняется, когда он, случайно оказавшись в бедной части города, влюбляется в красавицу-простушку.
A Woman of the World
French-speaking party guest
A European countess, after being betrayed by her lover, goes to live in small town Middle America with her cousins and causes havoc among the rather puritanical community members.
The Last Edition
Yes Man
The hectic life of a seasoned journalist, who’s busy getting out the latest edition of The San Francisco Chronicle. The director follows the editor on his rambles through the city and offers a lively account of the din of the newspaper office – all the way from collecting information to going to press and distributing the newspaper. The historical images of San Francisco are something special: we see landmark buildings like the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Building, City Hall and the Pickwick Hotel.
The Extra Girl
Sue Graham is a small town girl who wants to be a motion picture star. She wins a contract when a picture of a very pretty girl is sent to a studio instead of her picture. When she arrives in Hollywood, the mistake is discovered and she starts working in the props department of the studio instead. Her parents then come out to California and invest some money with a very shifty individual.
The Tiger's Claw
Army Officer
Jack Holt plays Sam Sandell, an American engineer working in India who rescues a pretty half-caste girl (Aileen Pringle) from a tiger's attack, but is badly wounded himself. The girl, Chameli Brentwood, nurses him back to health and out of gratitude he marries her, ignoring the fact that he has a fiancée, Harriet Halehurst (Eva Novak), back home.
The Ninety and Nine
Abner Blake
Melodramatic thriller, presented in 9.5mm format
Making a Man
Jack Holt, as Horace Winsby, the lead character. Winsby is a millionaire beet sugar king who owns nearly all of California's San Geronimo Valley -- and he has mortgages on what's left over. But he's also a condescending snob who has no mercy for his debtors and that wins him no friends. He even patronizes Patricia Owens, the girl he loves (Eva Novak), and she turns down his marriage proposal.
One a Minute
Rogers' Attorney (uncredited)
An excellent silent comedy starring unjustly forgotten star Douglas MacLean. Its indictment of pharmaceutical entrepreneurs is far sharper than Side Effects'.
Traveling Salesman
Pierce Gill
A practical joke makes a man get off before his intended stop, leading to all sorts of trouble.
The Fourteenth Man
The Fourteenth Man
Seven Keys to Baldpate
A writer bets a publisher friend that he can write a 10,000-word novel in 24 hours. The publisher takes the bet, and gives him the "only key" to his Baldpate Inn, which has been closed for the winter, so he can write in complete seclusion. Things start heating up, though, when a succession of people who also have keys to the inn begin showing up.