David Dixon

David Dixon

Рождение : 1947-10-28, Derby, Derbyshire, England, UK


David Dixon


Driving Ambition
Mr Clifford
A bored and frustrated suburban housewife follows her dream of becoming a racing driver
Young Man at Shoot
В 1905 году, после 10 лет миссионерской деятельности в Африке, преподобный Чарльз Фортескью отозван в Англию, где епископ дает ему новое назначение — наставлять проституток Лондона на путь истинный и найти на это дело деньги. Чарльз надеется, что Дебора, его невеста, будет возражать и даст ему этим основания для отказа епископу. Однако у Деборы такой незамутненный и невинный ум, что она совершенно не в состоянии понять суть его новой работы и убеждает его приложить все усилия. Богатая леди Эймс готова финансировать новую миссию, но однажды она дает понять Чарльзу, что никакого вклада не будет, если он не разделит с ней постель…
The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy
Ford Prefect
An Earth Man and his alien friend escape an exploding Earth, and set forth on an odd adventure across the universe with a known fugitive.
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
The Tempest
Prospero, the true Duke of Milan is now living on an enchanted island with his daughter Miranda, the savage Caliban and Ariel, a spirit of the air. Raising a sorm to bring his brother - the usurper of his dukedom - along with his royal entourage. to the island. Prospero contrives his revenge.
Jumping Bean Bag
Ozzie Freemantle
At an end-of-term school play, Ozzie and his band join in with a hard rock contribution. However, this leads to the unexpected fame of the schoolboy rock group, and they find that there is a darker down-side to fame and being successful music stars.
The Floater
Klaus Miller
A comedy about the law - seen from the inside. All formality and procedure on the surface but not quite so convincing when you see the works.
Escort Girls
Hugh Lloyd
It s Christmas Eve in London, 1974 - and seven lonely people are on the town, looking to grab that elusive slice of enjoyment. So who better to contact than an escort agency- providing high-class ladies and gentlemen for anyone willing to pay the right price. But even in the saucy seventies, things weren t that easy- and our intrepid pleasure seekers have to face everything from inadequacy, rejection and catharsis to racism, violence and grand theft. Just goes to show how lonely a place the throbbing metropolis can be, especially during the holiday season...