Tony Hancock

Tony Hancock

Рождение : 1924-05-12,

Смерть : 1968-06-25


High-profile during the 1950s and early 1960s, he had a major success with his BBC series Hancock's Half Hour, first broadcast on radio from 1954, then on television from 1956, in which he soon formed a strong professional and personal bond with comic actor Sid James. Although Hancock's decision to cease working with James when it became known in early 1960 disappointed many at the time, his last BBC series in 1961 contains some of his best remembered work ("The Blood Donor"). After breaking with his scriptwriters Ray Galton and Alan Simpson later that year, his career took a downward course.


Tony Hancock
Tony Hancock


Hancock: Very Nearly an Armful
Hancock fan Jack Dee presents Tony Hancock: Very Nearly An Armful. Taking its title from celebrated Hancock episode The Blood Donor, this two-hour retrospective features previously unseen scripts, scrapbooks and production files belonging to the lad himself, as well as personal items such as photos and letters.
To See Such Fun
Compilation of classic British comedy moments
Другой ящик
Викторианская Англия. Группа молодых британцев вкладывает деньги в так называемую «тонтину» — систему страхования, при которой всю сумму страховки получает член фонда, переживший остальных. Через много лет в живых остаются только двое — братья Мастерман и Джозеф Финсбери. Мастерман предпринимает несколько неудачных попыток убить Джозефа до тех пор, пока не поступает известие о гибели Джозефа в железнодорожной катастрофе. Казалось бы, путь к богатству открыт, но в дело вмешиваются алчные племянники Мастермана…
Воздушные приключения
Harry Popperwell
1910. Газетный магнат лорд Ронслей, желая доказать, что Великобритания N 1 не только на море, но и в воздухе, назначает приз в 10 тысяч фунтов тому, кто выиграет авиагонку через Ла-Манш, организованную газетой «Daily Post». В борьбу за приз вступают американский ковбой Орвил Ньютон вместе с дочерью лорда Патрисией, бравый лейтенант британских военно-воздушных сил и жених Патрисии Ричард Мейс, злодей-англичанин сэр Персивал Уэр-Эрмитаж, вечно влюбленный француз Пьер Дюбуа, фанатичный немецкий полковник фон Гольштейн, итальянский граф Эмилио Понтичелли и японский военный пилот Ямамото.
The Punch and Judy Man
Walter Pinner is the titular Punch And Judy Man plying his trade in the seaside town of Piltdown. Unhappily married to his social climbing wife, who gets him to perform at the 60th Anniversary celebrations of the town in front of all the local dignitaries, his hatred of snobbery comes to a hilarious head.
The Punch and Judy Man
Walter Pinner
Walter Pinner is the titular Punch And Judy Man plying his trade in the seaside town of Piltdown. Unhappily married to his social climbing wife, who gets him to perform at the 60th Anniversary celebrations of the town in front of all the local dignitaries, his hatred of snobbery comes to a hilarious head.
The Rebel
Anthony Hancock
Anthony Hancock gives up his office job to become an abstract artist. He has a lot of enthusiasm, but little talent, and critics scorn his work. Nevertheless, he impresses an emerging very talented artist. Hancock proceeds to con the art world into thinking he is a genius.
The Government Inspector
Gogol's comedy of errors, satirizing human greed, stupidity, and the extensive political corruption of Imperial Russia.
Hancock's Half Hour: Volume 1
Thirty-five years after his premature death in 1968 Tony Hancock was voted Britain's best-ever comedy performer. Here's a chance to see what made him so special - the surviving episodes from Series 2 and Series 3 of Hancock's Half Hour, plus a Christmas special. Episodes include: "The Alpine Holiday", "Air Steward Hancock", "The Last Of The Many", "The Lawyer: The Crown vs Sidney James", "Competitions: How To Win Money And Influence People" and "There's An Airfield At The Bottom Of My Garden". The Christmas special is "Hancock's Forty-Three Minutes: The East Cheam Repertory Company".
Orders Are Orders
Lt. Wilfred Cartroad
An American movie company wants to shoot a science-fiction film using a British army barracks as a location, and its soldiers as actors.