Evan Leed

Evan Leed


Evan Leed


Una tumba para tres
Víctor, Juan, and Manuel, three petty thugs who work for Roselli, a local mobster, are sent to find the architect of a robbery who escaped with the loot. The task seems simple enough, but they find a twist in their plans, caused by a violent and fatal mistake of theirs. Now, with Roselli breathing down their necks and his attempts to remedy the irreparable, they cause a riot with eccentric and violent characters who cross paths in what was the lair of their initial objective, added to the greed for hot money, experimental drugs and shootings, which will become a grave for three.
Clara and Alejandro move into a new house. A few days later, he goes on a work trip and she is left alone, surrounded by moving boxes. That chaos makes her accept a series of random invitations that will take her away from the hermetic world she lives in.
Что воды оставили позади
Группа молодых людей отправляются на руины города Эпекуэн, который ранее был затоплен озером, а теперь является городом-призраком, чтобы снять о нём документальный фильм. Но чем дольше герои здесь остаются, тем сильнее им кажется, что они здесь не одни.