Burkhard Driest

Рождение : 1939-04-28, Stettin, Pomerania, Germany [now Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie, Poland]

Смерть : 2020-02-28


Burkhard Driest


Toni Costa - Kommissar auf Ibiza: Küchenkunst
Ibiza police commissioner Toni Costa cancels his holiday, a rare chance to be with his daughter, to investigate the stabbing murder of the sous-chef in José Arrabal's reputed restaurant. Costa finds, just in time to save stealing uniformed cop Manolo's kids, that this was a collateral killing, because he was in the way for another murder by poisoned dessert at Arrabal's wedding to gold-digger Carmen. Arrabal leans on his fiend the police chief to close the case, but Costa rightly suspects more crimes and digs on for possible motives concerning restaurant rating blackmail, infidelity and old grudges. Written by KGF Vissers
Toni Costa: Kommissar auf Ibiza - Der rote Regen
El Cubano
A great mosaic, a labyrinth of scenes, dialogue splinters, interviews, portraits of people surrounding Hamlet and wanting to be part of his story.
I Love You, Baby
Callboys - Jede Lust hat ihren Preis
A scary serial killer is around: he cuts off young women's tongues. Commissioner Michelle Eisner notes striking similarities between the three victims so far: They were customers of the "loverboys". Behind this is a callboy ring, which also includes the attractive and inscrutable Lanou. Michelle reluctantly accepts the help of the experienced police psychologist Busch to clarify the case. He is a master at thinking his way into the psyche of the perpetrator. The main suspect for him is call boy Lanou. This suspicion is supported by the tabloid reporter Eva Hellmann, who is also researching the series of murders. While Michelle's environment became more and more vehement on LanousIf arrest is urgent, she is less and less able to evade his erotic charisma.
TV drama about a young girl who is sexually abused inside her own family
Night Time
Thomas Krömer follows the traces of a brutal murder in werewolf-manner out of personal interest. After investigating for some time, the traces all point to one person: himself. Now, he has to find out whether he surprisingly turns into a blood-seeking werewolf at full moon without knowing it or if there is an other solution to the murders. Police are getting pretty suspicious after Thomas' own grandmother has been brutally slaughtered in her little fairy-tale-fashioned house in the woods, and it will soon be time for a full moon...
Sanfte Morde
Bernd Schadewald's thriller based on a screenplay by Burkhard Driest.
Private Life Show
A fake TV show directed by Martin Buchhorn.
The Democratic Terrorist
The West German security police, Verfassungsschutz, need help to infiltrate a group connected to the Rote Arme Fraktion. The Swedish James Bond, Carl Hamilton, goes to Hamburg, pretending to be a Swedish officer, thrown out of the country after having been exposed as an East German spy. He gets in contact with the terrorists and joins them. Together they are planning to strike against the CIA headquarters in Stockholm.
Cold in Colombia
Seduced by the country, in which German director Dieter Schidor saw a decadent tropical charm, he brought together a varied group of people and involved them in the production.
The Shipwrecker
Sterling Hayden
Three actors portray scenes from the life of Sterling Hayden, with a particular focus on his appearance before the House Un-American Activities Committee. Inspired by Hayden’s memoir “Wanderer.”
Annas Mutter
Based on the actual case of Marianne Bachmeier from 1981, the film tells the story of a mother who in a calm and determined manner shoots the murderer of her daughter seven times in the court room.The man dies at the crime scene. The media jumps at this tragedy and Bachmeier′s action is even spontaneously applauded by some. But soon, the attractive woman is cast under a pall when the media starts to look for "disclosing" details from her private life.
Annas Mutter
Based on the actual case of Marianne Bachmeier from 1981, the film tells the story of a mother who in a calm and determined manner shoots the murderer of her daughter seven times in the court room.The man dies at the crime scene. The media jumps at this tragedy and Bachmeier′s action is even spontaneously applauded by some. But soon, the attractive woman is cast under a pall when the media starts to look for "disclosing" details from her private life.
Pharos of Chaos
A superb, moving and thrilling interview with American actor Sterling Hayden (1916-86), held in Besançon, France, on board a dilapidated barge, when he was 65 years old. An unparalleled portrait, in his own words and without any qualms, of a legendary Hollywood star, icon of film noir and the western, who was also a marine, an OSS agent, an anti-communist informer, a writer and a wandering sailor: the hero of his own life.
Die wilden Fünfziger
Major Assimov
Корабль, на котором служит матрос Керель, останавливается во французском Бресте. На берегу — знаменитый бордель «Праздник», вокруг которого сконцентрирована жизнь преступников и полицейских, работяг и моряков. Главная достопримечательность заведения — его хозяйка Лизианна. Каждый, кто желает переспать с ней, должен сыграть в кости с ее мужем. Победил — получил, проиграл — хозяин получает тебя. Туда-то и отправляется Керель, рассчитывая продать крупную партию наркотиков. Сам того не желая, он становится объектом страсти и похоти. А вместе с похотью приходит и жажда убийства…
Корабль, на котором служит матрос Керель, останавливается во французском Бресте. На берегу — знаменитый бордель «Праздник», вокруг которого сконцентрирована жизнь преступников и полицейских, работяг и моряков. Главная достопримечательность заведения — его хозяйка Лизианна. Каждый, кто желает переспать с ней, должен сыграть в кости с ее мужем. Победил — получил, проиграл — хозяин получает тебя. Туда-то и отправляется Керель, рассчитывая продать крупную партию наркотиков. Сам того не желая, он становится объектом страсти и похоти. А вместе с похотью приходит и жажда убийства…
Корабль, на котором служит матрос Керель, останавливается во французском Бресте. На берегу — знаменитый бордель «Праздник», вокруг которого сконцентрирована жизнь преступников и полицейских, работяг и моряков. Главная достопримечательность заведения — его хозяйка Лизианна. Каждый, кто желает переспать с ней, должен сыграть в кости с ее мужем. Победил — получил, проиграл — хозяин получает тебя. Туда-то и отправляется Керель, рассчитывая продать крупную партию наркотиков. Сам того не желая, он становится объектом страсти и похоти. А вместе с похотью приходит и жажда убийства…
Slow Attack
Nik, a released prisoner who started writing in prison, wants to leave his past behind him, but refuses to contact his former girlfriend and her family. Under the name of his jail buddy Henry, he moves in with his pen pal - who has never seen him - and is always watched suspiciously by their roommate. Nik began writing in prison and now seeks contact with the literary culture, even though he feels disgusted by the pompous fuss of this society. He is not without talent and works on a novel in which he minutely describes the abduction of an industrialist. Henry gets shot at the prison breakout and visits Nik to get help from him. He likes his novel plot and wants to put it into action.
Slow Attack
Nick Dellmann
Nik, a released prisoner who started writing in prison, wants to leave his past behind him, but refuses to contact his former girlfriend and her family. Under the name of his jail buddy Henry, he moves in with his pen pal - who has never seen him - and is always watched suspiciously by their roommate. Nik began writing in prison and now seeks contact with the literary culture, even though he feels disgusted by the pompous fuss of this society. He is not without talent and works on a novel in which he minutely describes the abduction of an industrialist. Henry gets shot at the prison breakout and visits Nik to get help from him. He likes his novel plot and wants to put it into action.
I Am My Films: A Portrait of Werner Herzog
Interview film with German director Werner Herzog revisiting the films he made up to ca. 1977.
Son of Hitler
The leader of a right-wing German political party discovers that an illiterate woodcarver is actually the son of Adolf Hitler.
Железный крест
Schütze Maag
1943 год. Немецкая армия с тяжелыми боями отступает на Восточном фронте. На замену убитому командиру батальона прибывает переведенный из Франции капитан Странский. Этот элегантный прусский аристократ еще не бывал в настоящем сражении и мечтает любой ценой получить германский боевой орден — «Железный крест».Чтобы достичь своей цели, Странскому нужно завоевать уважение командира взвода капрала Штайнера, закаленного в боях ветерана, пользующегося огромным авторитетом среди товарищей по оружию. А «универсальный солдат» Штайнер презирает офицеров, жаждущих славы, но предпочитающих не соваться на передовую…
Pimp #2
Бруно Строшек, недавно вышел из тюрьмы и подрабатывает в качестве уличного музыканта. Вместе со своей подругой-проституткой и своим давним знакомым, милым старичком, Бруно отправляется искать счастья в Америку. Однако вместо сверкающей небоскребами «американской мечты» они оказываются среди бескрайних и унылых равнин Висконсина.
Paule Pauländer
We follow 15-year-old Paule‘s hard life on his parents' farm. Under his controlling father – who is fighting to save the homestead – he and his brother are forced to work very hard. When his brother leaves, the shy and obedient Paule meets the city girl Elfi – and with her a reason to rebel against the despotic and coarse father.
Arthur Bidulski
The Brutalization of Franz Blum
Born into a well-off family, Franz Blum had led a carefree youth until, some time after graduating from high school, he was arrested by the police. For, involved by a gang of bad boys, the young man had taken part in a bank robbery. A "heroic deed" which earned him six years in prison. Once behind bars, he was treated with ruthless inhumanity by the guards. And little by little - but inexorably - Franz turned into an insurgent...
The Brutalization of Franz Blum
Walter „Tiger“ Kuul
Born into a well-off family, Franz Blum had led a carefree youth until, some time after graduating from high school, he was arrested by the police. For, involved by a gang of bad boys, the young man had taken part in a bank robbery. A "heroic deed" which earned him six years in prison. Once behind bars, he was treated with ruthless inhumanity by the guards. And little by little - but inexorably - Franz turned into an insurgent...