Key Animation
The alien Wulgaru's last assault against humanity was foiled by the heroic actions of the genetically enhanced humans known as the Evolved Children in their advanced AHSMB battle armor, but now a new attack has been launched against Earth under an even deadlier champion, Diorna, created from the fusion of DNA from two Wulgaru Royals. Unfortunately, Izuru Hitachi, the leader of Team Rabbits who defeated the Wulgaru Royal Jiart, is still out of action and recovering, so the task of marshalling the Majestic Princes and stopping Diorna falls upon the unready shoulders of Toshikazu Asagi. Together with the remaining members of Team Rabbits and the recently created Team Fawn, it's up to Asagi to hold the line against the most ruthless adversary yet!
Key Animation
На ничего не подозревающего Эша с неба обрушивается сомнительное счастье — существо Вулканион, недолюбливающий людей. Они бы и рады разойтись по разным углам, но какая-то сила связала их вместе, и парням приходится налаживать контакт, преодолевать трудности и творить большие дела.
Key Animation
Nate, Whisper, Jibanyan, Hailey, USApyon, and all of their Yo-kai friends embark on five unique adventures that all end up tied together in the end.
Key Animation
Когда Эш, Пикачу и его друзья прибыли в город в пустыне, они встретили мифического покемона Хупу, владеющего способностью призывать вещи - включая людей и покемонов - через волшебные кольца. А после жуткого происшествия они узнали историю о храбром герое, что давным-давно остановил ярость бушующего покемона. Теперь опасность, что была запечатана в волшебной бутыли, грозит вновь вырваться наружу.
Key Animation
The mega-corporate Daedalus Group is under attack by a small group of activists known as the Ghost of Icarus. While taking care of some of the victims of the bombing, Black Jack encounters Dr. Kiriko, also known as Death Incarnate, who just like him, asks his patients huge sums of money but instead of saving them, he offers them a painless death. When the activist group requests both doctors’ collaboration, Black Jack finds himself caught in a spiral of life, death and treason while trying to save his patients' lives and avoid the breaking of a biological war that could destroy humanity.