Joy Ganes


I'll Meet You There
A Muslim cop goes undercover at his estranged father's mosque while his daughter hides her passion for a forbidden dance, uncovering a shocking family secret.
17-летняя Аяна готовится к началу учёбы в колледже. Однако знакомство с загадочным Исайей переворачивает всю жизнь девушки. Ей открывается таинственный и суровый мир настоящей первой любви.
A struggling single mother, Joan, is forced to choose between morality and law when she finds out that a gentle farmhand, Adam, is more than what he seems while protecting her six year old daughter, Mary, and her ailing grandmother, Rose.
Second Cousins Once Removed
On a road trip, distant cousins Naomi and Jo-Jo are left alone in a motel room. Without permission, the girls venture out into the night in search of soda, playing cards, and mischief.