Gbemisola Ikumelo

Gbemisola Ikumelo


Gbemisola Ikumelo


Дом у дороги
Вышибала Далтон приезжает в провинциальный бар в Миссури, где сталкивается с местной бандой.
Проклятье Эбигейл
Восточный Лондон, январь 1974 года. Из-за повсеместных забастовок шахтёров по ночам происходит отключение электричества, и страна буквально погружается во тьму. А у молодой медсестры Вэл первый рабочий день в большой городской больнице. Практически сразу девушка чувствует тревогу, будто нечто наблюдает за ней из мрачных углов, а когда строгая главная медсестра оставляет Вэл на ночную смену, тёмная сущность начинает подкрадываться всё ближе.
Последнее дерево
После счастливого детства в сельской местности, мальчика увозят в Лондон, где он должен сориентироваться в незнакомой обстановке на пути к взрослой жизни.
Brain in Gear
Remi is struggling with her stress levels, not to mention her running feud with the woman across the street and her incontinent dog. Life is made so much harder by her two housemates - projections of her own self-doubt and self-confidence, neither of whom have anything useful to say.
Brain in Gear
Remi is struggling with her stress levels, not to mention her running feud with the woman across the street and her incontinent dog. Life is made so much harder by her two housemates - projections of her own self-doubt and self-confidence, neither of whom have anything useful to say.
Brain in Gear
Remi/Boss Bitch Remi/Dark Remi
Remi is struggling with her stress levels, not to mention her running feud with the woman across the street and her incontinent dog. Life is made so much harder by her two housemates - projections of her own self-doubt and self-confidence, neither of whom have anything useful to say.
In There Like Swimwear
Another day at the family restaurant but today Marco's hired a new girl much to his sister's dismay.
In There Like Swimwear
Another day at the family restaurant but today Marco's hired a new girl much to his sister's dismay.
Road House Remake