Sally Golding


Spirit Intercourse
Audiovisual composition for the online or physical gallery space, pushing the thresholds of capture and display, and expectation and experience.
Composted Memorial
A darkroom composition for archival film materials. Slivers of someone else’s silver small-screen memory, evocations and apparitions unknitted by the passage of time. A photo-sonic film where images literally generate the experimental noise soundtrack. Composed entirely in the darkroom, 9.5mm vintage home movies from Brisbane were contact printed alongside reproduced waveforms of cicadas and jazz scores. A wonky filmic resurrection, as a cine-essay dissolving in destructive celluloid magic.
Light Begets Sound
A shifting project of generative feedback systems, amplified lighting, prepared screens and phasing projection beams. Light Begets Sound is a durational performance focussing on the controlled phasing of both projector and LED lights articulated through custom software and custom built light sensitive instruments. Interrogating aural and optic as well as physiological senses through integrated feedback systems, the performance entices the audience into a state of hallucinogenic perception created through mixing desk input and feedback, and analogue and digital light combinations on a prepared screen.