Prokopy Fedorov


Это история о вчерашнем студенте Дуолане, который возвращается на малую родину с высшим образованием и с большими надеждами на будущее. Сходу он узнает, что друзья вот уже год занимаются криминалом. Они делают ему предложение влиться в их команду угонщиков, и теперь Дуолану предстоит сделать выбор между правильной жизнью со своей возлюбленной и кровавыми шальными деньгами.
Это история о вчерашнем студенте Дуолане, который возвращается на малую родину с высшим образованием и с большими надеждами на будущее. Сходу он узнает, что друзья вот уже год занимаются криминалом. Они делают ему предложение влиться в их команду угонщиков, и теперь Дуолану предстоит сделать выбор между правильной жизнью со своей возлюбленной и кровавыми шальными деньгами.
Давлят 4
The dental office is "closed". They are pressed in the intense search for new sources of income. "What should I do next to find the means to feed myself?" – this is the actual question facing him now. Son Arcachon is staying with his wife's parents in the village. Longing for his son makes Davlyat go with his wife to the village to visit his father-in-law. Arkady, taking advantage of the arrival of his son-in-law, forces him to help himself in the annual dredging of lake ice for drinking water supplies. They slaughter a cow, preparing a supply of meat for the winter. As you might expect, all sorts of funny situations that Davlyat gets into continue. In addition, Nastya's classmate suddenly lights up with a sharp desire for revenge from her friend for the fact that she stole her beloved boyfriend from her during her school years. In her head, she has a plan to seduce Davlyat.
Давлят 4
The dental office is "closed". They are pressed in the intense search for new sources of income. "What should I do next to find the means to feed myself?" – this is the actual question facing him now. Son Arcachon is staying with his wife's parents in the village. Longing for his son makes Davlyat go with his wife to the village to visit his father-in-law. Arkady, taking advantage of the arrival of his son-in-law, forces him to help himself in the annual dredging of lake ice for drinking water supplies. They slaughter a cow, preparing a supply of meat for the winter. As you might expect, all sorts of funny situations that Davlyat gets into continue. In addition, Nastya's classmate suddenly lights up with a sharp desire for revenge from her friend for the fact that she stole her beloved boyfriend from her during her school years. In her head, she has a plan to seduce Davlyat.
Давлят 4
The dental office is "closed". They are pressed in the intense search for new sources of income. "What should I do next to find the means to feed myself?" – this is the actual question facing him now. Son Arcachon is staying with his wife's parents in the village. Longing for his son makes Davlyat go with his wife to the village to visit his father-in-law. Arkady, taking advantage of the arrival of his son-in-law, forces him to help himself in the annual dredging of lake ice for drinking water supplies. They slaughter a cow, preparing a supply of meat for the winter. As you might expect, all sorts of funny situations that Davlyat gets into continue. In addition, Nastya's classmate suddenly lights up with a sharp desire for revenge from her friend for the fact that she stole her beloved boyfriend from her during her school years. In her head, she has a plan to seduce Davlyat.
Давлят 3
Перед самым новым годом, согласившись на предложение друга, Давлят с женой решили подзаработать немного денег. Но вот вопрос - кому оставить своего 4-месячного сына? После нескольких неудачных попыток найти няню по объявлению, решили все-таки позвать с деревни деда Аркадия.
Давлят 2
Год прошёл, как Давлят стал зятем у Новиковых. И в этот раз зять умудряется своей неуклюжестью достать Аркадия. Но неожиданный случай объединяет их, чтобы выжить.
Фильм о дантисте среднего возраста с татарским именем Давлят, который решился в свои 40 лет покончить с холостяцкой жизнью и наконец жениться. Чтобы получить благословение, он приезжает в деревню знакомиться с родителями невесты.
The film is about a young man spoiled by his mother's love, who turns 30 years old. He lives a very regular life, does not drink or smoke, as they say, work-home-work. A friend offers to celebrate his birthday in a cool way. On this day, our hero gets drunk, lights up at a disco, fights, and a meeting with one girl completely changes his life.
The film is about a young man spoiled by his mother's love, who turns 30 years old. He lives a very regular life, does not drink or smoke, as they say, work-home-work. A friend offers to celebrate his birthday in a cool way. On this day, our hero gets drunk, lights up at a disco, fights, and a meeting with one girl completely changes his life.