Enzo Siciliano


Pasolini, el poeta en la playa
Who Killed Pasolini?
1975: poet, intellectual, and filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini is bludgeoned to death and run over with his own car in the outskirts of Rome. Charged with murder, 17-year-old hustler Pino Pelosi pleads self-defense -- after all, Pasolini was a well-known pederast. However, many inconsistencies start to undermine his version of events, pointing to him not having acted alone or even being assaulted in the first place. Was Pasolini also murdered for another reason?
Il silenzio è complicità
Il silenzio è complicità
La coppia
Io e lui
Rico is a not too successful screen-player. He is also a repressed sex addict. His life changes when he starts to talk to his own penis, which incredibly answers him! All his relationships and views about reality are seriously impacted by his new "friend", his penis! The "two" in fact, often have different opinions, and sometimes the personality of "it" is stronger than its owner.
Евангелие от Матфея
Фильм описывает жизнь Иисуса с марксистско-католической точки зрения режиссёра и является как одним из самых критикуемых, так и одним из самых известных исторических картин. Фильм считается очень правдивой экранизацией текста Библии, хотя Пьер Паоло Пазолини заявлял, что "... изображения никогда не смогут достичь поэтических высот текста". Для экранизации Пьер Паоло Пазолини выбрал Евангелие от Матфея, потому, что посчитал, что Евангелие от Иоанна слишком мистическое, от Марка — слишком вульгарное, от Луки — слишком сентиментальное.