Yvette Mimieux

Yvette Mimieux

Рождение : 1942-01-08, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA

Смерть : 2022-01-17


Yvette Carmen Mimieux (January 8, 1942 - January 17, 2022) was an American film and television actress, known for The Time Machine (1960), Where the Boys Are (1960), The Black Hole (1979) and Dark of the Sun (1968). She has been married to Howard Ruby since December 20, 1986. She was previously married to Stanley Donen.


Yvette Mimieux
Yvette Mimieux
Yvette Mimieux
Yvette Mimieux
Yvette Mimieux
Yvette Mimieux
Yvette Mimieux
Yvette Mimieux
Yvette Mimieux


Перри Мейсон: Дело о вынужденном обмане
Danielle Altmann
Американскому офицеру морского флота Дэвиду Берману удается попасть в Париж, чтобы найти скрытого нациста Кругмана, который убил его дедушку и бабушку и покалечил его мать. Ему удалось найти свидетеля, но как только она поговорила с Дэвидом, она убежала и была убита. В ту ночь она была похищена скрытой организацией и сказала, что Кругман скрывается под новым именем Феликса Альтмана. Дэвид идёт в санаторий для встречи с Альтманном, но Альтманн расстрелян, и Дэвид связан с преступлением. Как старый друг семьи Перри и Кен отправляются во Францию, чтобы помочь, но теперь Перри должен не только освободить Дэвида, он должен узнать секреты, которые скрыты более 45 лет, секреты, за которые безусловно некоторые люди, готовы убить...
The Fifth Missile
Cheryl Leary
The crew of a Polaris submarine, on a training mission simulating an attack on Russia, is stricken by toxic poisoning. One of the poison's effects is to make its victims hallucinate, and the sub's captain imagines that he has been given an order to actually attack Russia. He prepares to do exactly that.
The Fascination
A photographer is irresistibly attracted to a young Japanese girl.
Фантастический мир Джорджа Пала
Документальный фильм о Джордже Пале, мастере спецэффектов, режиссере и продюсере, классике киносказки и кинофантастики. В фильме использованы фрагменты его фильмов "Война миров", "Машина времени", "Атлантида, погибший континент", "Чудесный мир братьев Гримм" и др.
Obsessive Love
Linda Foster
A woman tries to create a relationship with the soap star who is the object of her obsession.
Night Partners
Elizabeth McGuire
Elizabeth and Lauren are two Bakersfield housewives who volunteer to help the local police by working with crime victims to help catch criminals.
Circle of Power
Bianca Ray
A group of husbands with their wives participate in a reunion where everybody will find his hidden secret. The methods used are terrible, but usually work. Just usually.
Forbidden Love
Joanna Bittan
A young doctor meets and falls in love with the older Joanna, who is on the board of directors at his hospital. The people around them, including their families, have a hard time accepting the age difference, and they must decide whether to call it quits or stick with each other.
Черная дыра
Dr. Kate McCrae
Далекое будущее. Космический корабль «Паломино», пролетая мимо «черной дыры», обнаружил на орбите пропавший без вести 12 лет назад звездолет «Лебедь». Не смотря на угрозу быть навеки пленными чудовищным полем притяжения «дыры», экипаж «Паломино» принимает роковое решение взойти на борт межзвездного «летучего голландца» и разгадать тайну его исчезновения. Что же увидели астронавты: корабль населен только роботами, а единственным человеком оказался доктор Хайнс Рейнхардт, гениальный, но явно сумасшедший ученый, который одержим идеей проникновения в «черную дыру» и готовый поставить на карту и свою и чужие жизни, лишь бы осуществить свою безумную мечту о прыжке в бездну.
Disaster on the Coastliner
Paula Harvey
A deranged engineer, bent on revenge for the deaths of his wife and daughter, sets two passenger trains on a collision course, and con-man Robert Fuller puts his life on the line to ward off the crash.
Devil Dog: The Hound of Hell
Betty Barry
A dog that is a minion of Satan terrorizes a suburban family.
Outside Chance
Dinah Hunter
A young woman accused of murdering the jailer who raped her, escapes from jail and becomes a fugitive.
Ransom for Alice!
Jenny Cullen
In 1890s Seattle, a deputy marshal and his female partner set out to bust up a ring that kidnaps teenage girls and sells them into prostitution.
Ellen Seberg
A skier and his wife visit a friend's ski resort during a man beast's rampage, and must hide from the impending danger.
Jackson County Jail
Dinah Hunter
A young woman stumbles into a nightmare land of hijacking and humiliation while driving cross-country from California to New York.
The Legend of Valentino
Natacha Rambova
An embellished dramatization of the career and personal life of actor Rudolph Valentino, widely regarded as the screen's first male sex symbol.
Journey into Fear
U.S geologist discovers something about Oil that proves VERY threatening to the Turkish and Arab business people.
Hit Lady
Angela de Vries
At a Texas barbecue, a pretty woman chats up a wealthy rancher, and soon they're off on a horseback ride. Before she shoots him on an isolated road, she gives him a minute to reflect on who he might have offended on his rise to the top. She's Angela de Vries, a contract killer based in L.A. She wants this to have been her last job; her contractor wants one more death, a national union leader, made to look like an accident. She starts her homework on this mark. Meanwhile, in her private life, she's in love with a budding photographer. Is there any way that she can get out of the game and have a full love life?
Hit Lady
At a Texas barbecue, a pretty woman chats up a wealthy rancher, and soon they're off on a horseback ride. Before she shoots him on an isolated road, she gives him a minute to reflect on who he might have offended on his rise to the top. She's Angela de Vries, a contract killer based in L.A. She wants this to have been her last job; her contractor wants one more death, a national union leader, made to look like an accident. She starts her homework on this mark. Meanwhile, in her private life, she's in love with a budding photographer. Is there any way that she can get out of the game and have a full love life?
The Neptune Factor
Dr. Leah Jansen
When an underwater ocean lab is lost in a earthquake, an advanced submarine is sent down to find it and encounters terrible danger.
Angela Thacher
A crazed Vietnam vet bomber hijacks a Boeing 707 in this disaster film filled with the usual early '70s stereotypes, and demands to be taken to Russia.
Black Noon
Reverend John Keyes and his wife, Lorna, on their way to a new congregation out west, break down in the desert and are rescued by the residents of a nearby town. At first warm and welcoming, the townspeople become more and more solicitous of John and insistent that he stay on as their minister, against the wishes of Lorna, who goes unheeded and slowly becomes deathly ill. Will John realize the danger before it is too late?
Death Takes a Holiday
Peggy Chapman
Death takes a human form and visits Earth to try to find out why humans want so desperately to cling to life. He unexpectedly falls in love with a beautiful young woman.
Дельта фактор
Kim Stacy
Ким Стейси и Морган - два агента ЦРУ, выполняющие секретную миссию по спасению ученого, заключенного в тюрьму террористами на отдаленном острове.
The Picasso Summer
Alice Smith
A San Francisco couple travels to France in search of Pablo Picasso.
Three in the Attic
Tobey Clinton
In the swinging sixties three girls discover they have the same boyfriend who has been playing around with them all while vowing fidelity to each. To teach him a lesson he won't forget, the trio contrive to lock him up and continually favour him with their attentions in turn.
Темнота солнца
Группа наёмников, возглавляемая капитаном Карри, движется по охваченному гражданской войной Конго. Им предстоит сразиться с вооружёнными до зубов повстанцами, спасти заложников и вернуть необработанные алмазы стоимостью в 25 миллионов долларов.
The Desperate Hours
Cindy Hilliard
The Hilliards are a middle class family whose lives are put in danger when escaped convict Glenn Griffin invades their home. Griffin is crazed, tormenting the Hilliards with his meek brother Hank and sadistic Robish.
Скачки золотых быков
Grace Harvey
Питер Чёрчман, в прошлом - грабитель банков, а теперь - состоятельный джентльмен в тихом испанском городке, вынужден вновь собрать старую команду, чтобы совершить самое невозможное ограбление в своей преступной карьере - ограбить банк в Памплоне прямо во время фиесты Сан-Фермин с её знаменитым Энсьерро - бегом быков.
Monkeys, Go Home!
Maria Riserau
Henry Dussard, a young American, inherits a picturesque but badly neglected olive farm in southern France and is determined to make it operational again despite cautionary advice from the local priest and a pretty villager. Desperate for laborers, the inventive Dussard turns to the zaniest crew of olive pickers ever recruited - four mischievous monkeys! As former members of an Air Force space team, these intelligent chimps quickly pick up on their new responsibilities - but prove to have a turbulent effect on the local townspeople.
The Reward
A crash-landed crop-duster betrays a fugitive and his girlfriend to Mexican bounty hunters.
Joy in the Morning
Annie McGairy Brown
Carl Brown and Annie McGairy are in love. Their Irish immigrant parents knew each other in the old country - and Carl's parents want better for their son than Annie, who was raised in the slums. When Annie runs away to marry Carl while he's at college, they have many difficulties, including a college Dean that frowns upon married couples, Carl's angry parents, Carl's jealousy, and Annie's own problems with her sexuality.
Looking for Love
An aspiring young singer unexpectedly gets her big break by inventing a specialized clothes rack.
Toys in the Attic
Lily Prine Berniers
Julian Berniers returns from Illinois with his young bride Lily Prine to the family in New Orleans. His spinster sisters Carrie and Anna welcome the couple, who arrive with expensive gifts. The sisters hope Julian will help with their expenses, and he tells them that while his profitable factory went out of business, he did manage to save money. It turns out that Julian pulled off a real estate scam and took off with the money. Carrie is obsessed with her brother. Her jealousy of Lily pushes her to discover the shady land deal for herself and she does everything she can to wreck their marriage.
Diamond Head
Sloane Howland
Rich Hawaiian pineapple grower and US Senatorial candidate Richard Howland tries to control everything and everyone around him, including his headstrong sister, Slone.
Чудесный мир братьев Гримм
The Princess (segment "The Dancing Princess")
Братья Вильгельм и Якоб Гримм выдумывают родословную для герцога на основе трех своих сказок.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Chi Chi Desnoyers
Karl from Germany and Marcelo from France emigrated to Argentina and became brothers-in-law. Karl soon returned to Germany to serve in the army. Marcelo and his children Julio and Chichi became Argentinean citizens but later returned to Paris. Karl became a general with a son (Heinrich) in the SS and in WWII he got a high job within the occupation administration in France.
Light in the Piazza
Clara Johnson Naccarelli
A young American woman traveling in Italy with her mother is slender, blonde, beautiful and there is something charmingly naive about her. Fabrizio Naccarelli seems to always know where the mother and daughter will sightsee next. Signor Naccarelli is just as concerned about where this will lead as Mrs. Johnson is. Then she starts thinking that perhaps her daughter can be a wife of a wealthy young man in a society where all she has to do is look beautiful. What happens if Signor Naccarelli finds out who his prospective daughter-in-law really is?
Where the Boys Are
Melanie Tolman
Good girls Merritt, Melanie, Tuggle and Angie - all students at mid-western Penmore University - are planning on going to Fort Lauderdale, Florida for spring break to get away from the mid-western snow despite not having much money to spend once there. On the drive down, they admit their real purpose is to go where the boys are.
Машина времени
1899 год. Джордж накануне нового тысячелетия демонстрирует друзьям свое изобретение — машину времени. Его рассказ о прошлом и будущем коллеги встречают скептически. Они не верят в путешествие во времени. Когда друзья расходятся по домам отмечать новый год, Джордж садится за рычаги своего изобретения, чтобы подтвердить свою теорию. Так начинается его путешествие, которое окажется приключением целой жизни. Он переносит его из 1899 года во времена войн 20 столетия, а потом — в 802701 год. В этом отдаленном времени пассивным жителям земли Элоям грозит мрачное будущее, поскольку они поклоняются подземным существам с горящими глазами — Морлокам. Будущее может спасти только незнакомец из прошлого.
Platinum High School
Lorinda Nibley
At an exclusive military academy on Sabre Island, rich young delinquents think money puts them above the law. Enter Steve Conway - there to investigate the death of his son, who he had been told died in an accident.