Pelle Johansson


Production Design
During a midsummer weekend in the eighties a family gather in their summerhouse in the archipelago. The memory of the dead family father surfaces when Britt-Marie, now calling herself Hebriana, gets out from the mental hospital to celebrate midsummer with the family.
Production Design
Восьмидесятые годы XIX в. События разворачиваются в течение двух суток в гостиной дома военного. Ротмистр и Пастор разбирают дело рядового Нойда. На него поступила жалоба — он не хочет давать деньги на содержание своего незаконнорождённого ребёнка. Ротмистр ещё не знает, что очень скоро для него всё изменится…
The Serpent's Way
Production Design
A salesman and his son sexually abuse the generations of women of a poor family as payment for debt. Janni must see his mother, sister, niece and wife all being exploited, and the family grow bigger with the abuser's kids.
Love Me!
Production Design
Sussie is 15, raised with her alcoholic mother and an absent father. She has lived in several foster homes. Now she gets one last chance with a new family, the Lindgren's who live in a large house by the sea.
Production Design
Widow Jelena has let it be known she does not want to meet any men and is upset when Grigorij shows up and wants to speak to her about something.