Tim is about to graduate from high school. He goes to parties with friends, takes exams, and has his first date with a classmate. At night, he makes videos of himself displaying his masculinity, declaring his hatred of women, and announcing his plan to go on a killing spree on the last day of school. But the closer his self-proclaimed “Judgment Day” comes, the harder it is for him to live up to his archetypal ideal of masculinity.
Iran 1979. The Islamic Revolution is shaking up the country. Dissident Omid, who lived for several years in the German Democratic Republic with his wife, chemical engineer Beate and their mutual daughter, hears the call from his homeland and returns to Teheran with high hopes and best intentions, bringing along his family.
Cын Астрид исчез. Cпустя неделю подросток вернулся домой безо всяких объяснений. И она сама, и учителя подозревают, что это может быть связано с потерей отца. Очень медленно жизнь возвращается в нормальное русло. Изменились представления Астрид об искусстве. Дома матери-одиночке всё труднее мириться с тем, что сын ведёт самостоятельную жизнь. А потом он попадает в больницу с заражением крови. Астрид переживает нервный срыв, её мучают угрызения совести, беспокойство за сына, сознание собственной никчёмности.
Frau Lehmann
Бывший учитель музыки, весельчак и выдумщик Винфред, решает наладить отношения с дочерью, успешным бизнес-консультантом одной из престижных корпораций. Чтобы завладеть ее вниманием, он выдает себя за эксцентричного бизнесмена Тони Эрдманна. Своими уморительными и шокирующими выходками он надеется изменить ее представление о жизни и завоевать место в ее сердце.
The writer Charlotte (Stephanie Petrowitz) has gone to a Spanish island to work there in the villa of the elderly lady Renate (Ruth Diehl) on her new novel. The story she develops is about a woman who is married to an astronaut and waits many years for him to return from a mission in space. During her stay, Charlotte gets insights into the fates of some of her fellow human beings. Renate was once abandoned by her husband and has begun a relationship with the much younger Sal (Hubertus Hiess), although she still hopes to see her husband again some day. Renate's neighbor Robert (Godehard Giese), who uses his house on the island as a holiday home, has arrived with his little daughter Lene (Svana Burger) and his girlfriend Karolin (Ursula Renecke); Lene's mother died some time ago. Encountering these people and exploring the area inspires Charlotte's imagination, but also evokes painful memories.
A new house in a new town could mean the beginning of a phase of domestic bliss for a small family. Nina, a doctor, has taken a few days off. Her husband Frieder is busy laying tiles, while their daughter Charlotte plays in her new room. But Nina is having her doubts; she stands about in the half-empty rooms, feeling thoroughly alienated. Suddenly, without saying a word, she decides to leave...