Anne-Marie Bouchard


Anne-Marie Bouchard lives and works in Québec City. She has been making videos since 1999. Her films are an experimental, avant-garde experience—impressionistic and evocative: a cinema of poetry. She is a seeker of images, a discoverer of sounds, an explorer of cinema and media art, her work intimate and eclectic and artisanal. Her films delve into the ephemeral and the fragile, gesture and disappearance. She is interested in the impact colour and sound have on the emotive body, and in revealing the aesthetic potential in images of the everyday.


The Long Wail of a Passing Train Slips into the Heart of the Ghosts and Everything Explodes into Silence
An experimental animated film built around a single sound recording that evokes travel, the need to communicate, solitude, fragility, the desire for freedom, the arrival of fall, and our ephemeral existence.
The Long Wail of a Passing Train Slips into the Heart of the Ghosts and Everything Explodes into Silence
An experimental animated film built around a single sound recording that evokes travel, the need to communicate, solitude, fragility, the desire for freedom, the arrival of fall, and our ephemeral existence.
Light Plays
Old footage from 16mm film is scratched, drawn upon, and experimentally animated with a quantum dots solution. The film seems at first about sound, the moon, and exotic birds, but it is about narration, experimentation, and freedom.
A Heady Moment That Could Change Everything
While cycle touring in Normandy, a young French Canadian girl makes a striking encounter.
A Heady Moment That Could Change Everything
While cycle touring in Normandy, a young French Canadian girl makes a striking encounter.
A Heady Moment That Could Change Everything
While cycle touring in Normandy, a young French Canadian girl makes a striking encounter.
R_pour ne pas céder d’un pouce
Век помрачения
В своих мечтах Жан-Марк — рыцарь в сверкающих доспехах, звезда сцены и экрана и преуспевающий писатель, к ногам и в постель которого падают женщины. На самом деле он — никто, чиновник, ничтожный муж, несостоятельный отец и тайный курильщик. Но Жан-Марк сопротивляется искушениям мира своих грез и намерен дать себе еще один шанс в реальном мире…
Tableaux mouvants
Swyngomatic Blues
Atoms Searching for Immateriality
Researchers have created photoluminescent nanoparticles, quantum dots, which emit light. When observing them under the microscope, one has the impression of looking space through a telescope.