Sophie Dauchez


Eloïse's Journey
Key Makeup Artist
Eloïse is sitting alone on a bench in Paris. She can't remember who she is, where she comes from or how did she get here. So, she begins a funny investigation on her life. This amnesia might help her finding love and reinventing her life.
Последняя дуэль
Makeup Artist
Франция, конец XIV века. Отношения между рыцарем Жаном де Карружем и его соратником и соседом Жаком Ле Гри постепенно портятся, и дело доходит до неразрешимого конфликта. Оскорблённый Карруж обращается за помощью к королю Франции Карлу VI, и тот постановляет — противники должны решить спор в смертельной дуэли.
Words in Your Hair
Makeup Artist
Two bored extras from the ‘Tristan and Isolde’ opera roam the underground of the Garnier Palace.
Makeup & Hair
Marge asks her nephew Christian for help to protect herself against her sinister husband Walter. Christian will soon discover dark secrets and that Walter is not who he's intended to be.
Makeup Artist
At the Paris airport Orly, a woman falls for a stranger, a family heads to a funeral, a couple lose touch, a wife reads her husband’s break-up letter. All wait for their planes. Absorbed in their immediate fates, they move through the impeccably structured space, unaware of a looming threat outside.