Giannis Samiotis


High Season
Special Effects
On the isle of Rhodes, Katherine, an expatriate English photographer, lives with her daughter. A young local wants to encourage tourism, so he commissions a sculpture of the Unknown Tourist for the town square; the sculptor he brings to Rhodes is Kate's ex-husband. Also there to see Kate is Sharp, an aging antiquarian and her dear friend. He has something important to tell her. As Kate, her ex, and Sharp sort out things that go back years, two English tourists bumble about, one thinking he's fallen in love with Kate, his wife thinking she's found her own lover. A rare vase, a spy, old friendships, the statue's unveiling, and off-hand English sorting-out play into the resolution.
Made in Greece
Special Effects
Giannis Giannakis, released from psychiatric hospital after many years, decides to return home to his parents. On his way back he slowly discovers that the outside world is crazier than he thought - and starts to question whether he'd be better off back in the psychiatric ward.
A Quiet Death
Special Effects
Martha is unhappy with her life as it is at the moment, and among other issues, she has decided to give up her writing career. Along with that decision comes a need to get away from her husband and from her psychiatrist, with whom she has had more than just a doctor-patient relationship. As Martha travels through a deserted city landscape in a storm, the external world reflects something of her inner turmoil. Flashbacks are interspersed throughout the film to enhance the suspense of Martha's inner and outer journey.
Крепкие тела 2
Special Effects
Съемочная группа из Америки снимает фильм в Греции. Но до того как они снимут фильм им предстоит преодолеть множество необычных ситуаций, а так же немало возможностей для актрис снять свою одежду.
Tall, Thin and a Big Liar
Special Effects
A pathological liar, having reached old age, tells his life in order to become a television series, while his relatives were waiting for him to die to inherit it.
Special Effects
Crete 1897. Greek rebels gained their freedom by fighting in the mountains. An allied fleet of French, English, Italian and Russian warships anchored in the port of Chania in protecting Greek and Turkish inhabitants. Rosa Bonaparte, accompanied by twelve girls off at a deserted beach with all the equipment of a Marseille brothel. Installed in a wing of a huge, ruined former Town Hall, where the officers of the allied fleet meet and entertain in the evenings surrounded by undercover agents, military connectors, and speculators : an East-West mosaic of languages, costumes and intrigue ...
Special Effects
An actor's troupe puts up a variety show.
The Rape of Aphrodite
Special Effects
The story of the Cyprus' turbulent recent history using the device of a desperate man, Evagoras (Costas Timvios), who returns to the island after years of absence to look for his wife and son. His family disappeared while they were visiting his native village on Cyprus, just when the Turkish army invaded (1974). As Evagoras goes out on his search each day with a friendly taxi driver, flashbacks illustrate the recent history of the Greek Cypriots, and the normally quiet Evagoras heads closer and closer to a militant stance.
The Descent of the Nine
Special Effects
Summer 1949: end of the civil war in Greece. The last band of guerrillas of the Democratic Army is forced to abandon Mount Taygetus and to head for the sea. Everything behind them has collapsed and they can count on help from no one. In this long, desperate and aimless march, the group will end up by being annihilated by the National Army and the armed villagers.
Dracula of Exarcheia
Special Effects
A mad scientist creates the band Music Brigades from body parts of dead musicians.
Οι Επικίνδυνοι
Special Effects
Panos comes to Athens in search for a better life. He is fed up with life in the countryside, unemployment and the whole situation with his family. He hooks up with a bunch of ambitious- but unemployed- teenagers. One night at a disco, Panos beats up a guy who is asking for trouble. He leaves the club along with his friends. The other guy cannot calm down without taking revenge so he takes his friends and they beat up Panos & co. The following night, Panos rapes the guys sister. Afterwards he apologises and they start a relationship. She gets fired from the super market where she works for helping Panos steal. Panos cannot live in misery anymore and steals a yoghurt factory with the help of his friends. The ending is tragic...
What a Mess
Special Effects
Three short stories satirizing the Greece of “Change” in early 80's. A take-off on the police dramas of Giannis Maris; a satire of the films of the New Greek Cinema; and a satire of the “fustanella (Greek kilt)” films as well.
Blood Tide
Special Effects
An adventurer hunting for treasure in Greece accidentally frees a monster that forces local villagers to sacrifice virgins.
Nelly, the Spy
Special Effects
17 Bullets for an Angel
Special Effects
Iro Konstantopoulou was thirteen years old when the Germans invaded Greece. Despite her age, however, she got involved with the resistance. When she was arrested for the first time, her rich father managed to set her free, and she fell in love with a young doctor who took care of her injuries following torture. A little before the withdrawal of the Germans, she participated in the blowing up of a train that was transporting ammunition, and she was arrested again, but this time no one could save her. She was executed at the Chaïdari camp, along with forty-nine other prisoners.
Украли бедро Юпитера
Special Effects
Пара молодоженов проводит свой медовый месяц в солнечной Греции. Там они встречают другую пару, озадаченную загадочной находкой — частью дорогой античной статуи. Безобидная, на первый взгляд, находка влечет за собой опасные, но необычайно веселые приключения.
Special Effects
Set in the greek island Milos, this action comedy follows a group of people searching for the actual Venus de Milo
Οι Φανταρίνες
Special Effects
The Adamastos family consists of the father, Major Adamastos, the mother, Captain Eugenia and their daughter, Soldier Vicky. The father defies women in the army while the daughter falls in love with a second lieutenant justifying her father's opinion, but the mother manages to highlight the all-female Company's work.
Operation Orient
Special Effects
A criminal gang operating in Greece hides a large shipment of heroine inside a statue. During transportation the statue is stolen, and a member of the gang is sent to discover the culprits.
The Young Tycoon
Special Effects
Paul Dellis, a young self-made shipowner, has no time for anything other than high class call girls in a luxurious resort. The girl suppliers are a photographer and owner of a model agency, Werner, and his girlfriend Samantha. A rich woman, Tina, who spends her time at the same resort, fascinated by Paul arranges to visit him taking the place of Samantha. When Samantha is found dead, Tina disappears and all suspicions fall on Paul.
The Hunters
Special Effects
During a hunting party on New Year's Eve 1976, five representatives of the bourgeoisie encounter with their companion the body of a partisan from the Civil War of the late forties. What they are most confused about is the fact that the corpse that lies at their feet is still bleeding…
Всадники с неба
Special Effects Assistant
Группа террористов захватывает жену и ребенка крупного промышленника, требуя от него оружие в обмен на их жизни. Прежний супруг женщины-заложницы нанимает труппу циркачей-дельтапланеристов, вместе с ними и с их помощью приземляется на скалистом острове, где обосновались злодеи и где разворачивается невероятная операция по освобождению пленников…
Special Effects
Действие фильма разворачивается в конце 1930-х — начале 1950-х годов. В картине глазами странствующих актёров показана драматичная борьба фашистов и коммунистов на сломе исторических эпох.
Δαίμονες της βίας και του σεξ
Special Effects
Jason just arrived from Johanesburg and visits a deserted beach house, which belongs to his best friend Mihalis. There he finds Mihalis's wife, Mary, with her sister Magda and a weird fisherman named Kosmas, that stays with them, but seems to somehow, bullying them. He decides to stay with them waiting for his friend to arrive and find him there, but also because he falls in love with Magda. While Jason is having good time with his mistress, things get complicated when he discovers that the fisherman is not what he says he is and at the same time two suspiciously looking characters appear and are stalking the young couple's, every move..
Tango of Perversion
Special Effects
A rich man with an impotence problem becomes subject to manipulation by those around him. When he gives the keys to his villa to two women, he witnesses a murder. A series of cunning plots and secrets make things difficult for the police as they hunt for the murderer, but a film that the owner of the villa secretly shot reveals the perpetrator’s identity.
She Knew No Other Way
Special Effects
Two vagabond friends become lovers of the same beautiful girl, but when their third friend and leader comes out of prison, he has other plans for all of them.
Captives of Hate
Special Effects
Viky, a Greek from Africa, returns in shock to her homeland after the riots in the Congo, where she saw almost all of her family killed before her very eyes. In Athens, the businessman Angelos von Zirach, of German origin, helps her brother avoid financial disaster, but also helps her launch a career as a singer and dancer. Viky falls in love with him and agrees to marry him, inviting the wrath of his secretary and lover Tzina, who, in order to get even with him, reveals to Vicky that Angelos' ships don't transport food, medicine and indispensable articles to Africa, but guns, ammunition and even mercenaries. Viky is shocked. She turns in von Zirach to the police and leaves. After some years, she returns to him with their son Freiderikos, when von Zirach has donated his fortune to the orphans of Biafra.
Thanasis, Take Your Gun
Special Effects
A wretch jobber tries to find the money to build the house promised to groom, to repay the truck he drives and help a poor girl, who has been eviction, find somewhere to stay.
Hero Bunker
Special Effects
Following the torpedoing of the destroyer Elli on August 15, 1940 on Tinos by an Italian submarine, war was declared, and the Italians attacked the Albanian front on October 28. From an outpost on the Greek-Albanian border, a military truck unexpectedly comes under fire by Italian tanks. Petros, the only one who manages to escape death or captivity, saves a village girl, Maria. However, the Greeks manage to recapture the machine-gun nest, setting free the soldiers who had been pinned down. The platoon in question puts up a hard fight against the Italian invaders, while, at the same time, the Greek army is preparing for a counter-attack, which doesn't take long to happen. Right after, the Italians are forced to fall back; Northern Epirus is recaptured, and the army of the Badoglio is repulsed from the Adriatic.
The Daughter of the Sun
The plain of Thessaly, 1910. The tenant farmers suffer untold hardships, both from the Arvanites invaders who ravage and seize their possessions and from the chief landlord of the area Stratos Karatzas, who claims the lion’s share of their harvest. The dynamic daughter of one of the tenant farmers, Maya, who is about to get married to a young farmer, Lefteris, leads their struggle for better conditions and confronts Karatzas – as well as his niece Vgenio, who also wants Lefteris. The latter plots and succeeds to separate them. Lefteris leaves for the army and Karatzas persuades Maya to marry him. Lefteris is captured during an ambush set by the Turks, but in the end he is set free and returns to Maya’s arms forever.
Μαριχουάνα Stop!
Special Effects
Μια Ελληνίδα στο χαρέμι
Special Effects
Poor Rena tries to find money to pay her lottery partner because she destroyed the wining lottery-ticket.She and her brothers who try to help her end up in harem.
O agathiáris kai i atsída
Special Effects
Lieutenant Natassa
Special Effects
The year is 1965. Natasa Arseni visits Dachau, the place where she was found by the Americans at the end of the World War II. She returns to Greece, and during the train ride she recalls those past events. Before the beginning of the Greek-Italian war, she met Orestis . With the German invasion, Orestis, who was an officer in the Greek army, left for the Middle East. She followed him and accompanied him back to occupied Greece on a mission. She was arrested, interrogated and tortured and was finally sentenced to execution.
The Teacher with the Golden Hair
Special Effects
Amid blinding prejudice, a vivacious blonde teacher gets married to an honest man, only to see him leave for the Greco-Italian Front, a few hours after their wedding ceremony. Will she cope with her loss, when there's no one to turn to?
While Greece is under German occupation, a group of soldiers starts from Cairo and arrives in Athens to organize the blasting of the bridge at Gorgopotamos.
The Naked Brigade
Special Effects
A British girl is trapped on the island of Crete when the Germans invade it.