The documentary film tells the story of Zucchero Sugar Fornaciari through his words and those of colleagues and friends such as Bono, Sting, Brian May, Paul Young, Andrea Bocelli, Salmo, Francesco Guccini, Francesco De Gregori, Roberto Baggio, Jack Savoretti, Don Was, Randy Jackson and Corrado Rustici. A journey of the soul which, thanks to images coming from Zucchero's private archives and from the "World Wild Tour", his last and triumphant world tour, goes beyond the portrait of a successful musician reaching into the doubts and fragilities of 'man.
Alice works at a gas station. She doesn’t play music anymore and she buried deep inside her fire for music. On a sultry summer day, her old music teacher shows up, and Alice starts wondering if she has stayed without fuel for too long.
The father is a complete stranger and the mother an alcoholic unable to raise a child. For this reason, Christian is forced to fill the role of parent for his younger brother Giulio. He wants to make sure Giulio goes to school every morning. Unfortunately, he also has to go to work at the same time. Thus the ordinary becomes extraordinary for the two brothers.
It’s Halloween. Camilla stands outside her school. She looks around to find her dad, but her mother Paola is the one waiting for her instead. She takes the little girl to the bakery ad tells her to get whatever she wants: today is a special day. Back home, Paola dresses her up as a zombie. The long-awaited “trick or treat” moment is coming. A hood with two holes for the eyes covers her face. Camilla walks through the streets of her town hand in hand with her mother. However, the woman has a different plan.
Аните всего шестнадцать. Ее мать умерла от лейкемии, а отец смертельно болен: спасти его может только срочная трансплантация костного мозга, но средний период ожидания подходящего донора составляет несколько месяцев. Единственным родственником, кто может выступить в качестве донора оказывается Гаэтано, дядя Аниты. Но братья не общаются уже много лет - между ними произошло нечто, о чем ни один из них не желает говорить.
Today is Matilde's first day of school. Her father Claudio had to take her there but he didn't come.
Director of Photography
Главный (супер)герой документального фильма Беатриче Бальдаччи — человек как сумма воспоминаний. История режиссерки и ее семьи излагается от первого лица, в качестве проводника памяти выступают старые домашние VHS-записи, на которых запечатлена мать Беатриче и сама она еще ребенком. Устаревшая технология превращает события двадцатилетней давности в археологический объект.
This is the story of 16-year-old Benedetta and a bizarre foster family. Benedetta is the mayor's daughter and her social role is put to the test.
Italy is not qualified for the 2018 World Cup. In an Italian village, a small group decides to create their own competition.
Gurwinder comes from Punjab, he’s been working for years as a farm hand in Agro Pontino, not far from Rome. Since he first came in Italy, he’s been living with the rest of the Sikh community in Latina province. Hardeep is also Indian, but her stress is Roman, and she works as a cultural mediator. She, born and raised in Italy, is trying to free herself from the memories of a family that emigrated in another age, while he is forced, against his faith, to take methamphetamine and doping to bear the heavy work pace, to be able to send money in India.
Rugby coach Max Zancuoghi selects three young inmates for the multiethnic prison team ‘Giallo Dozza’ in the penitentiary of Bologna. Through months of intense training and hard work, Max is able to transform defeats in desire for redemption. On the pitch, life of the young inmates changes and it is opposed to loneliness and slow rhythms of the prison’s cells. The new players grow with the team and reach the first victory of the C league season but a new unexpected challenge is waiting for them.