Vanessa Picciarelli


Альма и Алекс живут вместе с матерью в лесу из-за опасности внешнего мира. Им категорически запрещено переходить реку, потому что за ней обитают зловещие Тени. Ослушавшись мать, девочки однажды сбегают и узнают тяжелую правду о мире, в котором на самом деле живут.
Jamila is a Moroccan girl from southern Italy who is figuring out life without guidance, friends, or money. She is intelligent and resourceful though and at times it seems she is blazing her own path. But her pride and restlessness may cause her to slip through the cracks.
Фаим, молодой итальянец бенгальского происхождения, живет со своей семьей в Торпиньяттаре, многонациональном районе Рима, работает смотрителем в музее и играет в музыкальной группе. На одном из концертов он знакомится с безбашенной и откровенной Азией, своей полной противоположностью. Между ними сразу вспыхивает чувство, и теперь Фаим должен понять, как примирить свою любовь к девушке с самым неприкосновенным правилом ислама: никакого секса до свадьбы.
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Intertwined stories from the gladiator/athletes participating to the Calcio Storico Fiorentino yearly championship.
Confini d'Europa 2: Rio de Onor
Confini d'Europa 2: Rio de Onor
Marta and her daughter Nina move to Malanotte, a small mountain village. The little girl has been suffering from hypnagogic paralysis for some time, a sleep disorder which can lead to hallucinatory states, and Marta thought that a bit of mountain air and distance from the frenetic rhythm of city life might benefit the little girl. However, the house they move into is anything but welcoming, and children are never seen playing in the streets of Malanotte. Nina’s symptoms begin to worsen from the very first night in the new house, and the little girl has more and more vivid nightmares in which a ghostly figure sits on her chest, immobilises her and steals her breath. For Marta, a single mother in a place she finds increasingly sinister, it will become harder every day to know what is best for her child.
Marta and her daughter Nina move to Malanotte, a small mountain village. The little girl has been suffering from hypnagogic paralysis for some time, a sleep disorder which can lead to hallucinatory states, and Marta thought that a bit of mountain air and distance from the frenetic rhythm of city life might benefit the little girl. However, the house they move into is anything but welcoming, and children are never seen playing in the streets of Malanotte. Nina’s symptoms begin to worsen from the very first night in the new house, and the little girl has more and more vivid nightmares in which a ghostly figure sits on her chest, immobilises her and steals her breath. For Marta, a single mother in a place she finds increasingly sinister, it will become harder every day to know what is best for her child.