Ivan Malekin


Life Improvised: Volume One
Concerned Man
Small human stories, entirely improvised, capturing the moments that make up relationships. Loneliness, a first date, betrayal, change, and more.
An anxious woman struggles to cope in isolation as a pandemic sweeps the world, forcing her to confront the monsters in her head.
In Corpore
Four couples deal with love and lust, commitment and infidelity, and the pressures of relationship expectations. Filmed in Melbourne, Berlin, Malta, and New York, In Corpore tackles the consequences faced when one chooses to either suppress or give into the inner desires of body and soul.
In Corpore
Four couples deal with love and lust, commitment and infidelity, and the pressures of relationship expectations. Filmed in Melbourne, Berlin, Malta, and New York, In Corpore tackles the consequences faced when one chooses to either suppress or give into the inner desires of body and soul.
Поющая в Хоре
Юджин - фотограф, которому в очередной раз отказали в публикации снимков в журнале, так как они слишком провокационны, ведь он тайно фотографирует людей в момент их падения. Но ему срочно нужно найти выход, так как мужчина вынужден заботиться о больном отце, которому постоянно нужен присмотр и медицинские препараты. Однажды герой фильма «Поющая в хоре» становится свидетелем жестокого обращения с несовершеннолетней проституткой. Фотограф успевает сделать снимок, а также помогает ей сбежать от бандитов, державших ее в заложниках. С фотографиями и историей Джозефины Юджин приходит в редакцию. Его работу опубликуют, если он сможет с согласия девушки сделать еще несколько снимков. Фотограф обманывает девушку в надежде, что она поможет ему обрести славу.
Friends, Foes & Fireworks
Fiona has recently received a life-changing health diagnosis, so in an attempt to curb feelings of isolation and anxiety she hosts a NYE reunion with her closest female friends. However, not everything goes to plan. Old tensions surface, past rivalries are reignited, truths are told and sparks fly, forcing each of the women to reflect on and re-evaluate past decisions going forward into the new year.
Mirror of Filth
Executive Producer
Chris is caught in a downward spiral, lost in a world of filth and porn, unable to connect. But his habits, his loneliness and denial, is slowly destroying him, one woman at a time.
Mirror of Filth
Chris is caught in a downward spiral, lost in a world of filth and porn, unable to connect. But his habits, his loneliness and denial, is slowly destroying him, one woman at a time.
Mirror of Filth
Chris is caught in a downward spiral, lost in a world of filth and porn, unable to connect. But his habits, his loneliness and denial, is slowly destroying him, one woman at a time.
Mirror of Filth
Chris is caught in a downward spiral, lost in a world of filth and porn, unable to connect. But his habits, his loneliness and denial, is slowly destroying him, one woman at a time.
How Deep is the Ocean
A mysterious young drifter named Eleanor arrives in the city of Melbourne with the clothes on her back little money and a difficult past she'd rather not discuss. She takes up residence in a decrepit boarding house sarcastically dubbed "The Hotel California" by its residents located on the volatile outskirts of the city where Eleanor comes across a series of fellow exiles fugitives and outcasts. Over the next year, Eleanor struggles to adapt and finds her feet in this strange new place spending most of her time working a series of dead-end jobs pursuing a futile affair with her married neighbor while remaining totally oblivious to the men and women who do care for her. By the end of the year small victories are won friendships are formed relationships rise and fall lives are lost and harsh lessons are learned and the world keeps turning.