Satomi Arai

Satomi Arai

Рождение : 1980-07-04, Yono, Saitama, Japan [now Saitama, Saitama, Japan]


Satomi Arai (新井 里美, Arai Satomi, July 4, 1980) is a Japanese voice actor from Yono, Saitama. She is the representative director of the voice actor management company Arai Voice Works. She is married to fellow voice talent Yoshimitsu Shimoyama.


Satomi Arai
Satomi Arai
Satomi Arai


Isekai Quartet the Movie: Another World
Beatrice (voice)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Cucuruz Doan's Island
Haro / Mirai Yashima / Kikka Kitamoto (voice)
After a covert mission goes wrong, Mobile Suit pilot Amuro Ray and his comrades are stranded on a remote island. The battalion was sent to a land called the Island of No Return to clear off any enemy forces, only to find a group of children and an enemy mecha attack. Now Amuro must find a way for them all to escape this mysterious land, but not before meeting a strange man—Cucuruz Doan.
The Laws of the Universe: The Age of Elohim
150 million years ago, various aliens were living in harmony under the God of the Earth, Elohim. But the earth is actually in danger because there was a plan to annihilate the earth by Dahar, who was from the dark side of the universe.
Student Council Staff Members Movie 2
Hata Ranko
Second theatrical movie of the Student Council Staff Members series.
Re:Zero. Жизнь с нуля в альтернативном мире: Замороженные узы
Beatrice (voice)
OVA расскажет о том, как Великий Дух Пак нашёл Эмилию в замороженном более ста лет назад лесу Элиор. О том, как девушка оказалась в поместье Розвааля Л. Мейзерса. И что случилось накануне её первой встречи с Субару.
Код Гиас: Лелуш воскресший
Sayoko Shinozaki (voice)
Действие фильма развернётся через два года после завершения плана «Реквием по Зеро». Всё пошло не так, как было задумано, и сестра Лелуша Наналли и Сузаку подвергаются атаке нового врага.
Re:Zero. Жизнь с нуля в альтернативном мире: Снежные воспоминания
Beatrice (voice)
Субару с товарищами одолел демона Вольгарма, чем спас деревню Ирлам. И вот, худо-бедно устаканился хоть какой-то мир, так Субару тут же отправился на секретную миссию! Однако, несмотря на идеальную маскировку, наш спецагент был легко раскрыт Петрой и детьми. Миссией, проваленной всего за пять секунд, оказалась встреча с Эмилией...
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin VI – Rise of the Red Comet
Haro (voice)
The episode will focus on the young Zeon ace Char Aznable earning his "Red Comet" nom de guerre, as well as the beginnings of the Federation's "Project V" weapons project that will eventually birth the RX-78-2 Gundam.
Код Гиас: Восставший Лелуш — Восстание
Nonette Enneagram
Спустя целый год после событий, которые теперь называют Черным Восстанием. В последствии восстания погиб всеми известный «Зеро». Об этом смерти ходило множество слухов, но ни один из них не был подтвержден и подкреплен официальными фактами, поэтому смерть «Зеро» оставалась под покровом тайны. Лелуш потерял память, и совсем ничего не помнил о своей жизни в облике таинственного «Зеро». Он жил жизнью обычного, среднестатистического студента и ничего не подозревал, но вот ему посчастливилось встретить необычную девушку — С.С.
Код Гиас: Восставший Лелуш — Пробуждение
Sayoko Shinozaki
This film is the first on a 3-part theatrical film remake of the first 2 seasons of the parent anime.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin V: Clash at Loum
Haro (voice)
Universal Century 0079. Humanity has turned even space itself into a battlefield, and the Principality of Zeon forces advance after wiping out half the world's population by carrying out the Operation British (colony drop). In response, the Earth Federation Forces mobilize their overwhelming fighting strength to regain the advantage. The complex intrigues of the Zabi family... Sayla Mass, as she contends with the whims of fate... Hamon and Ramba Ral, who is now a pilot in the Zeon forces... Amuro and Fraw, leading peaceful lives at Side 7... a dark shadow falls across them all. And the Zeon ace Char Aznable, driven by revenge, goes into action as the "Battle of Loum" finally begins.
Seitokai Yakuindomo the Movie
Ranko Hata
Ousai Academy was originally an all-girls high school. Due to the declining birth rates in recent years, it was converted into a co-ed school. The first year male students would find themselves surrounded by girls and unfortunately, Tsuda Takatoshi is one of them. What's worse, he gets scolded on his first day by the student council president Shino Amakusa, which did not give a good first impression of him. Tsuda also meets the other student council members while getting scolded, and in the end, he gets late for class. As an apology for ruining his morning, Shino lets him join the student council for various of "reasons" and he accepts it, or rather, he's forced to accept. Thus begins his days as Tsuda soon realizes that he's the only normal student in Ousai Academy...
Pop in Q
Rupy (voice)
The story begins the day before the graduation ceremony. Five middle school girls each are preoccupied with their real everyday lives. These girls meet each other in a fantasy world after being sent there through a sudden occurrence. There, they learn about the impending crisis that this world is facing. The way to avert this crisis is for the five to collaborate and bring their five hearts together as one through dance. However, the five cannot come to love the world, and cannot tell their true feelings to one another, so their hearts are unable to unite. The time limit is fast approaching. Can the dance of the five girls save the world? And will they be able to graduate?
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin IV – Eve of Destiny
Haro (voice)
Following the success of the Dawn Rebellion, Degwin negotiates with Vice Admiral Revil to surrender all Federation assets and the complete withdrawal of Federation forces from Side 3 to prevent similar incidents from happening again. After bring reprimanded by Degwin for failure to look after Garma, Dozle sends Char - who motivated Garma into starting the rebellion - to Earth; in response, Char requests to become a mobile suit pilot when he returns. Feeling the burden of his responsibilities, Dozle proposes to cadet Zenna Mia. In the Earth city of Manaus, Char lands a job as a mobile worker pilot at a construction site. He meets a young Lalah Sune at a casino.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin II - Artesia's Sorrow
Haro (voice)
In the year UC 0071, three years after escaping the Zabi faction on an Ocean Cargo ship, Artesia and Casval are living happily in Andalusia, Spain, Earth under the identities of Sayla Mass and Éduoard Mass, respectively; masquerading as the children of Don Teabolo Mass, a long time friend of their father Zeon Zum Deikun.
Knights of Sidonia: The Movie
Lala Hiyama (voice)
The year is 3394. The solar system has been long destroyed by a strange alien race called Gauna. Now humans are barely maintaining population in their seed ships - the ones they also used to escape a thousand years ago. After several years of drifting though space, Sidonia, a seed ship with a population of over 500,000 people, is once again threatened by Gauna. Follow Tanikaze Nagate, a mysterious young man from the deep corners of the ship, and his friends as they try to strike back against these gigantic creatures and at the same time learn what they really are for the sake of humanity's survival. -MAL
Corpse Party: Kisaragi Festival
The memory of that day is... a frog...
Problem Children Are Coming from Another World, Aren't They?: Hot Springs Romantic Journey
Izayoi, Asuka, and You have been invited to participate in a Gift-Game at a hot spring village to help the small community there find a new water source. OVA bundled with the eighth volume of the light novel.
Магический Индекс: Чудо Эндимиона
Shirai Kuroko
Незадолго до окончания строительства космического лифта "Эндимион" - Камидзё и Индекс встречают девушку нулевого уровня по имени Мейго Ариса. Вскоре после этого, преследуя Арису, Маги совершают нападение на Академград. В ответ на агрессию со стороны магов - Академград высылает специальный высокотехнологичный отряд, во главе которого стоит Шаттаура Секвенция. Пока на улицах Академграда разгораются бои - Тома узнает от Стейла, что из за необычной способности Арисы может разгореться полномасштабная война между Научной и Магической сторонами конфликта.
Вечеринка мёртвых: Потерянная запись
Seiko Shinohara (voice)
Сюжет крутится вокруг группы школьников, которые решили провести обряд, чтобы скрепить свою дружбу навечно. Однако они вызывают злого духа, который в прошлом многих убил, а одна из жертв стала призраком, блуждающим в школе.
Lesbian Citizen Naoko-san
Naoko-san (voice)
Naoko-san is an alien from the planet Yuri, who is plotting to conquer the Earth by yurifying it. Misuzu is a junior high girl and is always troubled by Naoko-san, who lives on the roof of her house.
Lesbian Citizen Naoko-san
Naoko-san (voice)
Naoko-san is an alien from the planet Yuri, who is plotting to conquer the Earth by yurifying it. Misuzu is a junior high girl and is always troubled by Naoko-san, who lives on the roof of her house. They hear rumors that a molester is wandering around in the area, so they decide to investigate.
Люпен III: Тактика Ангелов
Bomber Linda (voice)
Знаменитый аферист Арсен Люпен Третий и его друзья воруют из исследовательской лаборатории крепчайший металл инопланетного происхождения. Тут же на них открывает охоту правительство США, чтобы вернуть себе ценный предмет, и неизвестная преступная организация «Кровавые ангелы», состоящая только из женщин, готовых на всё, лишь бы заполучить этот металл.