It explores what happens to a group of long-term friends one night when, during their annual get-together to celebrate a birthday in a villa by the sea, they discover that the world might be ending within the space of a few hours. From that moment on, the time separating them from the possible end of their lives seems to flow differently, both speedily and never-endingly, over a summer’s night which will change their lives forever.
The young girl, an insomniac. The mother, an artist. The dog, named Marcel. The little girl loves her mother immensely, but her mother loves Marcel more than anything else. Will an unpredictable event allow those circles of love to reconnect?
Monica Ferrari
Леоне - шестнадцатилетний парень, который все свое время занимается школьным проектом. Он снимает фильм о своей семье, но вскоре сталкивается с серьезной проблемой. Парень вырос вместе с двумя отцами, но недавно он узнал, что они решили развестись. Теперь ему предстоит сделать непростой выбор, с кем из них остаться. Ситуацию усугубляет появление его биологической матери Тилли, которая тоже заявляет свои права на героя...
Eleonora Rummo
В 1975 году трое учеников мужской католической гимназии в Риме совершают преступление, которое шокирует их одноклассников и общество. Основано на реальных событиях.
После нескольких лет, проведенных в раздираемой войной Сирии, главный герой возвращается в Италию. Чтобы вернуть свою жизнь и оставить страшное прошлое позади, ему предстоит выполнить всего одну, последнюю миссию. Однако цена за нее может быть слишком высока.
Additional Voice (voice)
Through letters, diaries and personal testimonies, an account of the complexity and variety of experiences of LGBT Italians during the Fascist dictatorship of Benito Mussolini (1922-43); intimate words that contrast with the lyrics of popular songs and the propaganda of the time, obsessed with extolling the myths of virility, femininity and motherhood and constrained by sexual repression.
Италия, 1950-е. Свободолюбивый герой мечтает о любви, справедливости и лучшей жизни, но все оказывается под угрозой из-за запретного романа.
Эта коллекция историй, от коварной лжи до сексуальных сюрпризов, запечатлевает безрассудное поведение нескольких мужчин, которые пытаются разобраться с верностью и отношениями.
We are in the mid-60s, when a very young Mariele Ventre gave birth to the very first formation of the Piccolo Coro, originally composed of only eight children. In a few years the Piccolo Coro becomes a real school of choral singing. In its 56 years of history, there have been hundreds of small voices that have brought the music of Zecchino d’Oro and its repertoire around Italy and the world.
Маленькая Люцилла страдает астмой, и сразу понятно, что это психосоматика. Ее мать Сюзи, учитель танцев, постоянно куда-то спешит.
Matteo is a young successful businessman, audacious, charming and energetic. Ettore instead, is a calm, righteous, second grade teacher always living in the shadows, still in the small town from where both come from. They’re brothers but with two very different personalities. A dramatic event will force them to live together in Rome for a few months, bringing up the opportunity to face their differences with sympathy and tenderness, in a climax of fear and euphoria.
Where I've never been to live, Francesca's emotional conflicts, 50, is the only daughter of a famous Turin architect, to whom she visits only on rare occasions. For many years, Francesca lives in Paris with her teenage daughter and her husband Benoît, a financier on her sixty, apparently reserved but paternal and protective about her. Due to a domestic accident that forces the elderly father to bed, the woman flees to Turin to take her parents in the design of a villa on a lake for a young couple. At work he meets architect Massimo, his peer-minded career and engaged in an open relationship with independent Sandra. After a tough first approach, Massimo and Francesca create a strong professional tune that leads to a deep and passionate feeling. For the first time in life, both will have to really confront themselves and their most authentic destinies ...
Celebration of an extended family
After spending most of his life being defeated by his rival Ottone, meek Biagio tries to commit suicide – but in the hereafter he's offered a chance to come back to life for a week as Dennis, Ottone's trusted business partner.
Ada was settled in her life, she was pleased with it, or thought she was. She was one half of a couple who seemed happy, she'd had a child, was even due to get married, and wham... she met Paul... And this Paul was writer to boot, who lived alone with his grown daughter, had an exceedingly intrusive mother, and had the unfortunate idea of losing his father when this story had hardly got off the ground... Life started to gather speed. It was about time.
A couple of actors are playing roles of seduction and teasing, on and off screen, to better love each other. Is it only for the movie, or for their entire life?
Valérie Monnereau
A policeman takes his family on a holiday, and after almost hitting a wild hog, the car won't start. They get hike with a guy scrutinizing his pretty wife. Shortly after, she disappears.
Bertha Mason
Викторианская Англия. После восьми лет, проведенных в пансионе для бедных девочек, сирота Джейн Эйр получает место гувернантки в Торнфилде - вотчине Эдварда Ферфакса Рочестера. Хозяин поместья редко наведывается в родные края, а в его отсутствие Джейн должна присматривать за восьмилетней Адель Варанс - воспитанницей аристократа. И вот однажды Рочестер возвращается. Так начинается одна из самых известных романтических историй в европейской литературе и мировом кино…
История 92-й дивизии американской армии, состоявшей целиком из чернокожих солдат. В 1944 году подразделение этой дивизии, ведомое некомпетентными командирами-расистами, попало в ловушку в районе одной из итальянских деревень в Тоскане.
A wealthy community in north-east Italy deals with its immigration fears.
Daniela Perrone
Il film nasce dal Diario di Antonio Perrone, condannato per motivi di mafia a 49 anni di prigionia e detenuto in stato di isolamento. All'inizio degli anni Ottanta Antonio Perrone è il promettente primogenito di una benestante famiglia del sud Italia. Si innamora di una donna, Daniela, che diverrà sua moglie. Insieme sognano una vita all'insegna della conquista dei piaceri più evidenti che una società consumistica promette. Per raggiungerli si trasformano da giovani romantici in protagonisti del piccolo crimine di provincia, fatto di rapine e spaccio di droghe. Arriva un tempo in cui, per mantenere le proprie posizioni, occorre crescere e Antonio diverrà un esponente importante della mafia locale, denominata Sacra Corona Unita.
A modern-day paean to the good times, inspired by a Wolfgang Tillmans picture.
A mentally unstable woman loses her daughter's custody to her mother. Things get even more complicated when her husband has a car accident and befriends a Czech mechanic, bringing the man into their dysfunctional home.
Cissie Colpitts
События, рассказанные в трилогии, охватывают почти шестидесятилетний период нашей недавней истории: с момента открытия Урана в 1928 году до разрушения Берлинской стены в 1989 году. Тульс Люпер — вечный узник. Он всегда, как впрочем, и все мы находится в зависимости от кого-либо или чего-либо: денег, амбиций, тщеславия, секса, зависти… Его судьба — это история шестнадцати заключений, первое из которых происходит в Южном Уэльсе, где десятилетний Люпер оказывается запертым собственным отцом на угольном складе. Все отсидки на протяжении жизни Люпер использует для создания художественных, литературных, театральных и кинопроектов, в которых участниками сюжетов и приключений становятся его «надзиратели».
Dina Gusmano
An American art appraiser, Patrick Donovan, is sent to Venice to evaluate three paintings belonging to the famous Galleria dell'Accademia.
Cissie Colpitts
The Tulse Luper Suitcases reconstructs the life of Tulse Luper, a professional writer and project-maker, caught up in a life of prisons. He was born in 1911 in Newport, South Wales and presumably last heard of in 1989. His life is reconstructed from the evidence of 92 suitcases found around the world - 92 being the atomic number of the element Uranium. The project includes three feature films, a TV series, 92 DVDs, CD-ROMs, and books.
Франция, Испания, Венгрия, Россия, Индия, Япония, Египет, Португалия, Китай, Буркина-Фасо… переходы через границы… проверки документов…Санса свободен, он любит женщин, крутит романы. Камера крупным планом показывает его каблуки, он идет, разглядывая мир. Симфония лиц, незабываемая встреча… Клик — дирижер. Санса и Клик, они веселятся… Их направляет сама музыка…
Cissie Colpitts
"Antwerp" continues telling the picaresque adventures through the world of multi disciplinary artist and professional prisoner Tulse Luper. This movie premiered at the Venice Film Festival as a separate title located between the first and the second part of the Greenanway Tulse Luper Trilogy.
Francesca, Morgana, Edo and Antonio. Four of today’s youngsters. Four inadvertent representatives of today’s generation of 20-year-olds who “do whatever I want”.By chance they find that they’re spending a week in Catania together, the Baroque city perched on the slopes of a volcano, the continual rumbling of which seems to reflect their restlessness…
Cissie Colpitts
The Tulse Luper Suitcases reconstructs the life of Tulse Luper, a professional writer and project-maker, caught up in a life of prisons. He was born in 1911 in Newport, South Wales and presumably last heard of in 1989. His life is reconstructed from the evidence of 92 suitcases found around the world - 92 being the atomic number of the element Uranium. The project includes three feature films, a TV series, 92 DVDs, CD-ROMs, and books.
In a small Southern Italian village, young Tonino is engaged to Teresa, but secretly loves her cousin Maddalena—who reciprocates. After discovering it, Teresa seeks revenge and vows to divide them.
A pair of summer and winter weekends intertwine in a series of flashbacks involving five friends. Their dreams and expectations overlap with memories of events that took place in the house that they are sharing, which has a particular significance for all of them.
Pier Angeli
Ему было всего 24 года. Он погиб в автомобильной катастрофе 30-го сентября 1955 года. Но и сегодня он остается иконой 50-х, одним из самых стильных мужчин того времени. Этот фильм покажет вам историю его жизни от ранних лет до пика его карьеры.
Hotel Maid
Съемочная группа приезжает в Венецию для съемок экранизации трагедии «Герцогиня Мальфи». Они поселяются в местный отель, где в подвале обитают каннибалы, замышляющие полакомиться новыми постояльцами.
A young musician travels to London in pursuit of his dreams, but winds up the sole witness to a bizarre murder.
Maria / Livia
Aurélie Coquille
Didier never knew that a wrong film review of a film which he did not bother to watch would land him in numerous troubles.
Unemployed Domenico robs a bank, but is forced to take a hostage when things go wrong. The hostage, Tommaso, is a man who hates his wife and job, and who was already planning to run away with his gay cop lover, so this seems to him like a good opportunity to disappear and start over again: the kidnapped becomes the kidnapper, and things get even more complicated when they're reached by Rita, Tommaso's daughter.
Artemisia Gentileschi
Сюжет основан на истории жизни итальянской художницы Артемизии Джентилески (1593-1653). События фильма разворачиваются в Италии в начале XVII века. Юная художница Артемизия, дочь именитого живописца, страстно увлечена искусством. Не сумев попасть в Академию художеств во Флоренции, куда в те времена не принимали женщин, Артемизия становится ученицей художника Агостино Тасси, который учит ее не только приемам живописи, но и искусству любви.
Pansy Osmond
Закат XIX века — не лучшее время для истинной любви, но прекрасное для браков по расчету. Изабель Арчер — свободолюбивая девушка с душой бунтарки — шокирует ближайшее окружение своим отказом от выгодного замужества. Верная традициям и общественным устоям семья давит на нее. И даже неожиданное наследство не приносит ей долгожданной свободы. Пользуясь неутолимым любопытством юной Изабель, ее коварная подруга интригами и обманом устраивает брак девушки с эгоистичным деспотом, своим бывшим любовником. Но очень скоро жестокая правда раскрывается, и, сбросив цепи семейных оков, Изабель вырывается навстречу настоящему чувству, несущему свет и надежду.
The Night and the Moment is a 1995 erotic drama. A writer (Dafoe) is invited to the house of a noblewoman (Olin) who adores free-thinkers. He attempts to seduce her but she insists that he tell her of his past love exploits. While doing so, he takes her through his time in prison where he was unknowingly incarcerated in the cell beside hers.
Coming back from work by night, shy watchmaker Tommaso runs over a girl with his car, luckily without serious consequences. Next day he finds her waiting for him at his door. She asks him for help, as she can't remember anything prior to the incident.