When a giant Grippity-Grab snags Grizelda's friendship bracelet and turns her into a mermaid, True heads under the sea with magic wishes to save the day.
Spring has sprung in Rainbow City, and Wuzzle Wegg Day is right around the corner! But Bartleby's convinced that a Wegg-stealing monster is on the loose.
Bartleby (voice)
Все жители Радужного Королевства готовятся встречать Зимние Праздники. Но сбежавшая из Ледяного Королевства Вечная Мерзлота может поставить праздник под угрозу.
Bartleby (voice)
Greasy Guard / Janitor (voice)
События развернутся вокруг маленькой сиротки, которая, следуя за мечтой стать балериной, приезжает в Париж в 1879 году.
Sam Garrett
The Garretts are the envy of most families in their small town. But when their 14-year-old daughter falls victim to a skillful online predator, the family's strength is tested as they search with Sherriff Brown and the Internet Crimes Against Children task force to find their missing child.