Kenneth T. Ito


Bidoof's Big Stand
Line Producer
A bumbling Bidoof with a tendency to bite off more than it can chew finds itself between a rock and a hard place as it embarks on a journey to find its place in the world.
Marvel Rising: Playing with Fire
Inferno’s powers are stolen by a young and powerful villain and it’s up to the Secret Warriors to defeat their new foe and help their friend. But does Inferno even WANT his powers back? Meanwhile, America Chavez learns a lesson about friendship and family from teammate Ms. Marvel.
Восход Marvel: Тайные воины
Женщину-паука Гвен Стейси обвиняют в убийстве друга. Чтобы найти и остановить её, за дело берутся молодые герои — Мисс Марвел, Девочка-белочка, Патриот и Дэйзи Джонсон.
Defenders of Dynatron City
Associate Producer
Made-for-TV special about a delivery man, his friends, and a talking ape mutating into quirky superheroes and fighting a mad scientist who wants to conquer their futuristic atomic city. Based on the eponymous NES video game.