Douglas Ireland


A Flame in My Heart
The film relates the painful ending of a love story binding an over-30-year-old woman and a North African, and the beginning and end of a relationship she also has with an “established” journalist. The stories illustrate the absolute claim of a woman who can understand love only in terms of life and death, an attitude that generally makes love appear dramatic, but at least burning and flickering, like the flame that glows in her heart.
A contemporary scenario, in which American journalist Doug Ireland visits Europe and meets an oppressed young Arab man, is played against the celebrated story of Emperor Hadrian’s relationship with his favourite Antinous.
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Studio Executive
Сэнди Бэйтса любит публика и боготворит критика, его фильмы популярны. Но его последняя работа продюсеров разочаровала: Сэнди устал смешить, у него странные отношения с двумя любовницами, он устал от вездесущих поклонников и жизнь все чаще кажется печальной, а не смешной.