Willy Colombaioni


Vieni avanti cretino
Pasquale Baudaffi, on amnesty, comes out of prison and starts looking for a job with the help of his cousin Gaetano. But first he goes to what was once a brothel, but, unbeknownst to our hapless hero, has been taken over and rented as a dental office. Pasquale finds himself at the center of endless misunderstandings. He tries to be a gamekeeper but that's not okay, he tries to be a waiter in a bar: he immediately gets his orders wrong and he is fired. His performance as a garage keeper was negative. The very latest experience is in an electronics company but its insertion into the futuristic mechanism triggers the craziest complications. The encounter with a lost dog allows him to get to know his mistress and thus discover the woman of his life.
Sempre più difficile
Circo Willy
This documentary is about the Italian small family circus, based on the old street theatre of the Commedia dell'Arte. Since World War II, they have diminished in number and today hardly exist anymore. They simply can't compete with modern times entertainment, symbolized by television. The film portrays and follows the Colombaioni family, six brothers and two sisters, their children and grand children. Most of them work in their own small circus(father, mother, children). Two of the brothers, Carlo and Alberto left the circus and now have a theatre show, based on their improvisation skills that they learned in the circus. The family is known by their collaboration with Frederico Fellini and Dario Fo. They appeared in many a Fellini movie -o.a. La Strada, Le Notti di Cabiria and I Clown.
Второй трагический Фантоцци
Его жена уехала к маме. А он решил устроить мальчишник: друзья, пиво, девушки, танцы. Через три часа пиво кончилось, девушки разделись. А жена вернулась за любимым зонтиком…
Уго Фантоцци всю жизнь работает младшим бухгалтером, ездит на работу в автобусе, никогда не изменял жене. Начальство ни разу не повысило ему зарплату, женщины его не замечают, а коллеги не помнят, как его зовут. В самом начале первого фильма о недотепе жена звонит ему на работу, так как его нет дома уже 17-ый день, но никто даже не заметил его отсутствия. Оказывается, его случайно замуровали в отсеке старых лифтов. Зритель узнает Уго, его семью, коллег по работе, о его любви к синьорине Сильвани. Настоящий цирк устраивает он в японском ресторане, а Новый Год, проведенный с Уго, не забудется никогда…