J.S. Zamecnik


Berkeley Square
Original Music Composer
A young American man is transported back to London in the time of the American Revolution and meets his ancestors.
Ordered out of town by angry Judge Beaumont, vagrants Stanley and Oliver meet a congenial drunk who invites them to stay at his luxurious mansion. The drunk can't find his key, but the boys find a way in, sending the surprised woman inside into a faint.
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1931 год. В Соединенных Штатах сухой закон. И вот, Стэн и Оливер решили заняться бутлегерством. Вскоре они попытались продать бутылку пива полицейскому и… угодили в тюрьму. А у Стэна еще зуб шатается, и он частенько выдает некий шипящий звук, вовсе не благотворно действующий на его собеседников.
The Wedding March
Original Music Composer
A young impoverished aristocrat falls in love with an inn-keeper's daughter, but has to marry money.
Abie's Irish Rose
When a Catholic and a Jew wed they find themselves disowned by both of their families.