

The Cold Front Brought by the Rain
Boom Operator
A group of playboys organizes the last party of the year in a slum before the change in weather. And for this night, beyond the usual drugs, alcohol and sex, they will receive special guests: an addict that uses and is used by the group, a country singer who was raised around the slum, a strange security guard and the owner of the place.
Волк у двери
Похищена шестилетняя девочка Кларинья. Родители девочки, Сильвия и Бернарду, и главная подозреваемая, дают противоречивые показания. Эта девушка — любовница Бернарду, с которой тот познакомился в поезде. Но по ходу действия выясняется, что и Сильвия отлично знает эту девушку, не имея при этом ни малейшего представления о ее связи с Бернарду. Для Сильвии, дружба с такой девушкой, настоящая отдушина. Способ выбраться из каждодневной рутины. А запылавший в ее душе огонь помог вновь разжечь страсть к мужу...
Três no Tri
Mexico Cup, 1970: Pelé scores the goal against Czechoslovakia, helping the Brazilian team towards its third championship. Orlando Abrunhosa immortalized the feat in the most reproduced photo around the world, but this is not his only feat.
The Tenants
Boom Operator
Valter's life turns upside-down when a gang of smalltime criminals move in next door. Valter's wife Iara wants something to be done about their new neighbors whos nigthtly activities does not allow them to sleep. Valter just wants to be left alone.
Maré, Our Love Story
Boom Operator
Free adaptation of Romeo and Juliet translated to the harsh life in Favela da Maré, one of largest and most violent slums in Rio de Janeiro. Living in a slum divided between two rival gangs of drug traffickers, Analídia is the daughter of one of the gangs' leaders and Jonathan is a childhood friend of the other gang leader. Both study in a dance group situated exactly in the middle of the two territories, looking for solace in art.