Sound Mixer
Marie and Simon, a couple with two children, are deeply in love despite constant fights in their paired life. To save their marriage, they come up with a chart of Ten Rules to seek love and peace.
Sound Recordist
An urban train link, the RER B, crosses Paris and its outskirts from north to south. A journey within indistinct spaces known as inner cities and suburbs. Several portraits, all individual pieces that form a whole. We.
Frankie Wallach, 25-year-old director, is fascinated by her grand-mother Julia, 94 years old, her death camp survivor story and her joyful personality. She wants to immortalize her as an heroine of fiction for her movie but it's without thinking about the other members of the family, who will want to be a part of it. At the Wallach's, everything is... FULL OF LOVE !
A crossing guard has known too many misfortunes in his life to believe he is facing the on-the-run President of the Republic.
Sound Mixer
В стране, погружённой в вооруженный конфликт, добропорядочный врач пытается выполнять свой долг вопреки всему, что происходит вокруг. Стараясь сохранять нейтралитет, он помогает не тому человеку и попадает под прицел силовиков.
Monsters fight with each other in a dystopian world, playing out the revenge of their human breeders.
Sound Mixer
Since the time that he had dreamed about it, Maximilien, is about to get his silver piercing.
Sound Editor
Since the time that he had dreamed about it, Maximilien, is about to get his silver piercing.
Sound Recordist
Since the time that he had dreamed about it, Maximilien, is about to get his silver piercing.