Anne Giafferi

Рождение : , France


Thank god we have each other
Vincent is 13 years old and has a boundless admiration for his father. His father is unemployed and is mainly involved in football, pretending to become a professional trainer soon, and does not take care of his family. Vincent's mother manages everything, until one day, at the end of her tether, she attempts suicide.
Thank god we have each other
Vincent is 13 years old and has a boundless admiration for his father. His father is unemployed and is mainly involved in football, pretending to become a professional trainer soon, and does not take care of his family. Vincent's mother manages everything, until one day, at the end of her tether, she attempts suicide.
После неудачной пластической операции актриса нанимает двойника, чтобы та заменила ее на съемочной площадке. При этом она даже не подозревает, что на самом деле это ее сестра-близнец.
После неудачной пластической операции актриса нанимает двойника, чтобы та заменила ее на съемочной площадке. При этом она даже не подозревает, что на самом деле это ее сестра-близнец.
Анж и Габриель
Габриэль — мать-одиночка, ее 17-летняя дочь Клэр беременна, однако у отца ребенка, Саймона, нет желания помогать матери своего будущего ребенка. Когда Габриэль берет дело в свои руки и просит у отца Саймона, Андже, помощи, неожиданно начинаются новые отношения.
La vie à l'envers
La vie à l'envers
Des frères et des sœurs
Three siblings gather to celebrate the birthday of their father, on the island of Ré. This is Adele, the elder of the two sisters, who had the idea to organize this surprise. Alice and Antoine adhere immediately. Arnaud, the eldest, is sidelined because of his bad temper. But then they make their way to the family home, an incident occurs. A black cat crossing the road when the father arrived by motorcycle. It is the accident.
Des frères et des sœurs
Three siblings gather to celebrate the birthday of their father, on the island of Ré. This is Adele, the elder of the two sisters, who had the idea to organize this surprise. Alice and Antoine adhere immediately. Arnaud, the eldest, is sidelined because of his bad temper. But then they make their way to the family home, an incident occurs. A black cat crossing the road when the father arrived by motorcycle. It is the accident.
Qui a envie d'être aimé ?
Antoine is forty years old. Happily married to a woman he loves, father to two beautiful children, a brilliant lawyer, one could say that he has made a success of his life. But one day Antoine has an unexpected, irrational, and earth-shattering encounter. One that is also a little scandalous as well. Antoine encounters God, something he just did not expect. Not at all ! Nor did his wife.
Qui a envie d'être aimé ?
Antoine is forty years old. Happily married to a woman he loves, father to two beautiful children, a brilliant lawyer, one could say that he has made a success of his life. But one day Antoine has an unexpected, irrational, and earth-shattering encounter. One that is also a little scandalous as well. Antoine encounters God, something he just did not expect. Not at all ! Nor did his wife.
Цветы для Алджернона
Алджернон — это мышь, которой в лабораторных условиях повысили уровень интеллекта. Вдохновленные успехом ученые-экспериментаторы решают опробовать свое открытие на людях. Их пациентом становится умственно отсталый Шарль. Эксперимент удается, и Шарль начинает жить нормальной жизнью. Он добивается успехов на научной ниве, влюбляется в девушку Алису. Неожиданно перед ним встает серьезнейший выбор: оставаться «подопытным кроликом» или вновь стать самим собой…
The Poisoner
Loudun, October 1947. Leon Besnard and Marie celebrate their eighteenth wedding anniversary with friends and Ady, a former German prisoner they have "adopted". A few days later, Leon dies. Louise, a friend of the couple's and probably Leon's mistress claims that, on his deathbed, the deceased told her that Marie was poisoning him. The whole town soon condemns Marie and she is arrested and sent to jail. Did she really kill Léon as well as twelve other members of her family as she finds herself charged with?
Le Procès de Bobigny
In 1972 16-year-old Marie-Claire became pregnant after a rape. With help from her mother Michelle and three other women, she underwent a clandestine abortion. Under a 1920 law, the five women were arrested and charged. Supported by a procession of well-known French (eg Simone de Beauvoir), the five were released and the law was adapted.
Молчание моря
Тихий провинциальный французский городок времен Второй мировой войны. В дом, где живет молодая учительница музыки Жанна и ее дедушка Андре, вселяется молодой немецкий офицер Вернер. Андре и Жанна не могут повлиять на присутствие «гостя», который вдобавок занял комнату погибших родителей Жанны. Поэтому хозяева дома протестуют единственным доступным способом — молчанием. Они не разговаривают с Вернером и не отвечают на его вопросы. Однако молчание Жанны таит в себе не только неприязнь к незваному гостю…
Carrot Top
A good-natured kid struggles to earn his mother's love without much success.