Robert Sterling

Robert Sterling

Рождение : 1917-11-13, New Castle, Pennsylvania, USA

Смерть : 2006-05-30


Robert Sterling, born William Sterling Hart (November 13, 1917 – May 30, 2006) was an American film and television actor. The son of baseball player and umpire Bill Hart, he was born in New Castle, Pennsylvania. He attended the University of Pittsburgh and worked as a clothing salesman before pursuing an acting career. After signing with Columbia Pictures in 1939, he changed his name to Robert Sterling to avoid confusion with silent western star William S. Hart. In 1941, Sterling went to MGM. He worked steadily as a supporting player for several years. After serving in World War II as an Army Air Force flight instructor, he returned to Hollywood, but by the end of the decade, his film career had faltered. He did, however, play the non-singing role of Steve Baker, opposite Ava Gardner as Julie, in the hit MGM 1951 film version of Show Boat. Sterling later revived his acting career on the small screen with numerous appearances on Television.


Robert Sterling


Ночь сотни звёзд
Самая блестящая, дорогая и утомительная видеосъемка в истории телевидения состоялась в пятницу, 19 февраля 1982 года, в нью-йоркском Radio City Music Hall. Мероприятие, за которое покупатели билетов платили до 1000 долларов за место (без учета налогов как взнос в Фонд актеров), было объявлено «Ночь сотни звёзд», но на самом деле в нем приняли участие около 230 звезд. И большая часть аудитории из 5800 человек заранее не подозревала, что они платят за просмотр телевизионной записи, сопровождающейся долгим ожиданием смены декораций и костюмов, перемоткой ленты и тому подобным. Исполнительный продюсер Александр Коэн подсчитал, что 5800 мест в Radio City Music Hall были распроданы по цене от 25 до 1000 долларов. Производство самого шоу стоило около 4 миллионов долларов, и ожидалось, что оно принесет около 2 миллионов долларов за новое дополнение к дому престарелых Актерского фонда в Энглвуде, штат Нью-Джерси. Считается, что ABC заплатила более 5 миллионов долларов за телевизионные права.
Beggarman, Thief
Colonel Day
In this sequel to "Rich Man, Poor Man," moviemaker Gretchen Jordache, the until-now unseen sister, strives to pull the family together after the murder of brother Tom and the disappearance of brother Rudy by first reestablishing contact with her soldier son, and then patching things up with her sister-in-law, Kate, Tom's widow.
Letters from Three Lovers
Three letters, whose delivery has been delayed by a year, change the lives of the people to whom they were addressed.
Большое дело
Randy Sterling
Холостой сотрудник расположенного в Нью-Йорке здания ООН становится опекуном брошенного кем-то в здании младенца. Теперь ему необходимо определить будущую нацию обнаруженного на международной территории ребенка. Помочь ему принять «верное» решение (или окончательно сбить с толку) пытаются одна за другой, возникающие на пороге его дома, женщины различных национальностей, каждая из которых пытается убедить его выбрать именно ее страну
Путешествие на дно моря
Captain Lee Crane
Вся планета объята страшным пожаром, вызванным внезапным «сумасшествием» пояса радиации Ван Аллена. Мужественный адмирал Нельсон, командир атомной подводной лодки, придумывает хитроумный план спасения человечества. Он направляет подлодку в район Марианской впадины, чтобы запустить на орбиту ракету «Полярис» и взорвать очумевший «пояс». Эта миссия настолько опасна, что экипаж корабля готов поднять бунт против командира.
Return to Peyton Place
Mike Rossi
Residents of the small town of Peyton Place aren't pleased when they realize they're the characters in local writer Allison MacKenzie's controversial first novel. A sequel to the hit 1957 film.
Dearest Enemy
John Copeland
This live TV adaptation of the Broadway musical "Dearest Enemy" from 1925 is based on an American Revolutionary War incident in September 1776 when Mary Lindley Murray, under orders from General George Washington, detained General William Howe and his British troops by serving them cake, wine and conversation in her Kips Bay, Manhattan home long enough for some 4,000 American soldiers, fleeing their loss in the Battle of Brooklyn, to reassemble in Washington Heights and join reinforcements to make a successful counterattack.
Column South
Capt. Lee Whitlock
In the weeks prior to the start of the Civil War, Confederate sympathizers hope to help their cause by inciting a Navajo war in the New Mexico Territory. Director Frederick de Cordova's 1953 western stars Audie Murphy, Robert Sterling, Joan Evans, Ray Collins, Dennis Weaver, Palmer Lee, Jack Kelly, James Best, Bob Steele and Ralph Moody.
Плавучий театр
Steven Baker
Действие происходит на речном пароходе «Цветок хлопка» зафрахтованном для гастрольного тура по Миссисипи. Перед нами проходит история трех поколений актеров. Жизнь и работа в плавучем театре полна неожиданностей и приключений. Судьба героев переменчива и драматична. Капитаном двухтрубного судна является Энди Хоукс. Он отец прекрасной девушки Магнолии, которая хочет выйти замуж за жизнерадостного конферансье Гэйлорда Рэвенала. Однако существует много причин мешающих этому союзу... Наступит час, невзгоды и проблемы уйдут на второй план, ведь на помощь Магнолии придет её подруга Джулия. Она поможет молодым обрести счастье...
Bunco Squad
Det. Sgt. Steve Johnson
Police sergeants Johnson and McManus take on Los Angeles confidence tricksters. Con man Tony Wells, lining up rich widow Jessica Royce as his latest mark, sets up a false paranormal society with other charlatans to convince the credulous Jessica that her late son is speaking to her through their sham seances. When the plan leads to murder, Johnson and McManus must bring the group down before they kill again.
The Man Who Had Influence
David Grant
Business mogul's son David Grant uses his father's power to extricate himself from problems - until implication in a woman's death tests David's willingness to avoid responsibility.
The Sundowners
Tom Cloud
Brother is pitted against brother in this tale of fueding ranchers in the old west.
Clay Phillips
Rancher Clay and his brother, Steve, head out across the Sonora mountain pass, followed by Lednov, an ex-con seeking revenge on Clay for putting him behind bars. Clay and Steve unexpectedly cross paths with a group of dance hall girls -- including Mary, Marcia and Helen -- whose stagecoach has broken down, and help them get to the nearest ranch, where Lednov unfortunately catches up to Clay.
The Secret Heart
Chase N. Addams
Penny Addams lives in a constant state of depression stemming from the trauma of her father's death when she was just a young girl. Her brother, Chase, and stepmother, Lee, work to help Penny process her grief through psychotherapy and revisiting their past, but only the revelation of long-buried family secrets -- including her mother's secret lover and the true nature of her father's death -- can bring Penny out of her intense despair.
A-26 Flying Tips
This United States Army Air Forces short documentary depicts various pieces of official advice for pilots of the A-26 fighter bomber aircraft. Special attention is paid to the attitude of the ship on take-off and landing, which varies from other planes of the period due to a new type of wing shape. Instructions are given on stall speeds, engine failure, and landing in single-engine flight.
Somewhere I'll Find You
Kirk 'Junior' Davis
Brothers feud over a girl they both fall for while covering World War II.
This Time for Keeps
Lee White
A young newlywed (Robert Sterling) finds working for his nasty father-in-law difficult.
Dr. Kildare's Victory
Dr. Donald 'Don' Winthrop
Dr. Gillespie supports Kildare's crusade against their hospital's deal with a rival hospital.
In this "Romance of Celluloid", MGM showcases performers whose careers are just starting. Excerpts from their recently released films are included. The narrator says that moviegoers will have to decide whether these fledgling actors and actresses have that certain quality that made superstars out of MGM players Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy, and Lana Turner.
Двуликая женщина
Dick 'Dickie' Williams
На высокогорном курорте «Лыжный Приют» богатый нью-йоркский издатель Лоренс знакомится с очаровательной инструкторшей по горным лыжам Карен. Их роман столь стремителен, что спустя 24 часа они женятся. Курортные деньки пролетели незаметно и дела позвали молодого мужа обратно в город. Оставив жену на курорте, он покинул заснеженные склоны, пообещав скоро вернуться. Прошли недели, но Лоренс не вернулся. Заподозрив неладное, Карен тайно приезжает в Нью-Йорк, где узнает, что муж крутит роман с другой. Обманутая жена решает выдать себя за свою несуществующую сестру - близняшку Катрин, которая якобы только что приехала из Лиссабона..
Джонни Игер
Jimmy Courtney
Безжалостный Джонни Игер убедил своего офицера по наблюдению за бывшими заключенными, что бросил свое старое занятие рэкетом и теперь работает обычным таксистом. Когда он встречается с Лисбет Бард, он понимает, что она может стать не только его подругой-красавицей, но и помочь получить то, о чем он давно мечтает.
Ringside Maisie
Terry Dolan, aka Young O'Hara
Young undefeated boxer Terry Dolan, who's been lying to his invalid mother about his career, confides to Maisie that he hates and is terrified by boxing and wants out. Not wanting to let down his best friend and manager Skeets Maguire, who has hopes of him becoming the next champion, he is reluctant to bring up the subject with him. Maisie convinces Terry to tell Skeets, whose unexpected reaction induces him to step into the ring again.
The Get-Away
Jeff Crane
A jailed cop befriends a mob chieftain and stages a breakout with him.
I'll Wait for You
'Lucky' Wilson
A gangster hides out on a farm and falls for the farmer's daughter.
The Penalty
Edward McCormick
In this crime drama, a ruthless gangster's son is soon following in his father's footsteps. When his daddy kills an FBI agent and a cabby, the boy sees it all. Fortunately the courts intervene and send the lad off to live with a family of farmers.
The Gay Caballero
Billy Brewster
The Cisco Kid and his buddy Gordito arrive in town and learn that Cisco is supposedly dead. Not only that: Before his death, he is believed to have attempted to steal Susan Wetherby's land.
Manhattan Heartbeat
Johnny Farrell
A couple can't make ends meet. He is an airplane mechanic and makes extra money testing planes. When the baby arrives things get better.
The Heckler
Trophy Presenter
An obnoxious heckler at a baseball game infuriates everybody.
Nothing But Pleasure
Gangster at Cozy Auto Court
To save money, Buster and his wife decide to drive to Detroit to buy a new car, then drive it home.
Mandrake the Magician
Feature version of the American serial film, produced for export only, never exhibited in the USA, and believed to be a lost film.
Glove Slingers
Warehouseman Taking Fight Pool Money (uncredited)
A fighter trains for the big bout, and discovers that his opponent is his girlfriend's brother.
The Amazing Mr. Williams
Elevator Boy (uncredited)
Kenny Williams, a lieutenant on the homicide squad, is engaged to Maxine Carroll, the Mayor's secretary. Or isn't he rather married with his job? For each time he has a date with his longtime fiancée, he is prevented from keeping it by his devotion to duty. Maxine, in desperation, decides to take action and bring Kenny to the altar. Who will win, Maxine's curves or the glorious fight against crime?
Blondie Brings Up Baby
Dithers' Employee (uncredited)
Baby Dumpling, the six-year-old son of Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead disappears from sight during his first day at school. While Dagwood frantically combs the city in search of the boy, Baby Dumpling spents a nice, safe afternoon with poor little rich girl Melinda Mason, who with her new playmate's help arises from her sickbed to walk across the room for the first time in months.
Beware Spooks!
Bellboy (uncredited)
A bumbling detective chases an escaped convict in an amusement park haunted house in Coney Island.
Мистер Смит едет в Вашингтон
Senate Reporter (uncredited)
Наивный идеалист Джефферсон Смит, лидер организации Мальчиков Рейнджеров назначен представителем в Сенат. Он объединяется со старшим сенатором от своего штата, однако не подозревает, как много людей вокруг него ведут двойную игру и выполняют приказания тех, кто выше. Наивный молодой сенатор сталкивается с понятиями коррупции, грязной игры, лживости и заангажированности прессы.
A Woman is the Judge
Reporter (uncredited)
Twenty years earlier, Mary Cabot had lost contact with her infant daughter Justine. Now a grown woman, Justine accidentally shoots a man who'd impugned the reputation of her mother, whom she's never met. As luck would have it, the presiding judge at Justine's trial is none other than Mary Cabot.
Золотой мальчик
Elevator Boy
Джо Бонапарте, одаренный скрипач, из-за крайней бедности вынужден выступать на ринге. Он проявил себя талантливым боксером, хотя видно, что он бережет кулаки, опасаясь повредить руки музыканта и похоронить мечту, ради которой его отец-эмигрант многим пожертвовал. Том Муди, менеджер Джо, подговаривает свою подружку Лорну Мун убедить парня забыть о своих музыкальных стремлениях и возвратить его на ринг. Это приводит к трагедии…
The Man They Could Not Hang
First Reporter (uncredited)
Dr. Henryk Savaard is a scientist working on experiments to restore life to the dead. When he is unjustly hanged for murder, he is brought back to life by his trusted assistant. Re-animated he turns decidedly nasty and sets about murdering the jury that convicted him.
Good Girls Go to Paris
Student (uncredited)
Jenny Swanson, a waitress on a college campus, is dying to visit Paris. Thanks to English professor Ronald Brooke, she manages to make her dream come true. Besides seeing the sights in the French capital she makes friends with a wealthy family there, the Brands.
Pest from the West
Cigarette Customer at Adjacent Table (uncredited)
A millionaire vacationing in Mexico falls for a local girl and sets out to win her.
Только у ангелов есть крылья
Bit Role
Храбрые американские летчики на быстрокрылых машинах стараются изо всех сил заработать свой кровный доллар в почтовой авиакомпании Джеффа Картера. Дружный коллектив расположился на одном из аэродромов Перу. Помимо работы, здесь кипят нешуточные человеческие и любовные страсти…
Mandrake the Magician
Mandrake and his team attempt to prevent "The Wasp" from stealing and using a new Radium invention.
Sorority House
Soda Shop Extra
A young girl begins to wonder if she really fits into the upper-class sorority she's trying to join.
Blondie Meets the Boss
Office Worker / Man Dancing with Millie (uncredited)
Dagwood inadvertently gets cornered in to resigning. When his wife Blondie tries to ask Dagwoods boss Mr. Dithers for his job back, he ends up hiring her instead. This doesn't sit too well with Dagwood. Blondie's sister comes to visit, and Dagwood is put in a compromising situation with another woman.