Hoon Chang

Hoon Chang

Рождение : 1919-01-01,


Hoon Chang


Young-Shik, a playboy, loves Ok-Ju, a business owner's daughter on purpose. One day he is bashed and taken to a mountain villa while he is taking a walk near a hotel. The villa's owner Jin-Ho was a vet doctor but now he leads a life with anatomizing animals after he is injured in his leg. One day a woman who wears wedding veil comes to Young-Shik and asks him to go back to his first love Mi-Ra. As the mysterious woman faces with Ok-Ju, she kills Ok-Ju. On his departure day, Young-Shik goes to Jin-Ho and hears from him the woman in veil is Mi-Ra who is troubled with her burnt scald of face and committed suicide letting him go. He trembles in sufferings.
Descendants of Cain
Shortly after Korea gained independence from Japan (1945), North Koreans decide to extort civilians' property in the name of revolutionalizing its land and settle class struggles for proletariats. The film depicts an anti North-Korean concept, detailing the country's situation after the independence. South Korea's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1968.
When Acacias Bloom
A man assists a woman in danger, but through her actions, she unintentionally causes his death. Everyone in the village knows that she visits his tomb every spring, but no one knows the details of her story.
Farewell to the Duman River
Rice mill owner
Patriotic university student Youngwoo and his friends, led by their teacher Lee Sung, along with a British friend bid farewell to their families and become freedom fighters in Manchuria fighting against the Japanese occupation around the Tumen River.
Тиран Ёнсан
Yoo Soon-Jung
Принц Ён Сан Ын превращается в тирана из-за смерти своей матери. Он приказывает обезглавить всех чиновников, которые не нравятся ему или которые посоветовали предыдущему королю свергнуть королеву. Он становится жестче с каждым днем. Но на 10-м году своего правления он срывается с престола и умирает трагической смертью.
Prince Yeonsan
Yoo Soon-Jung
A historical drama about Yeonsangun of Joseon as a prince trying to restore the status of his mother, the deposed and executed Queen Yun.
The Coachman
Kim Byung-guk
A man tries to raise his two sons and two daughters under some of the most adverse conditions known to man. The father operates a horse-drawn cart, but in a city that is modernizing after the destruction of the Korean War, automobiles are making carts obsolete. The children are experiencing difficulties as well. The eldest son has flunked the bar exam twice and is not hopeful of passing it a third time to become a lawyer. The eldest daughter is mute and married to an abusive husband. The younger daughter tries to pose as a rich university student to move up in life. The youngest son has a penchant for petty theft.
Mr. Park
Mr. Park raises his children by repairing charcoal pits. Although ignorant and stubborn, Mr. Park has a good heart. He is displeased, however, with his eldest daughter, Yong-sun (Jo Mi-ryeong), because of her close relationship with Jae-cheon (Hwang hae), who is a scamp in his eyes. He is also unsatisfied with his second daughter, Myeong-sun (Eom Aeng-ran), for liking Ju-sik (Bang Su-il). Only his eldest son, Yong-beom (Kim Jin-gyu), is the apple of his eye, as he approves of his son's wife, Jeom-rye (Kim Hye-jeong). When Yong-beom is sent to a foreign branch office, Mr. Park is against it at first but approves of it, as he knows what it means for his son's future. Eventually, too, he begins to approve of his two daughters' relationships.
Palace of Ambition
King Hansu
A nobleman bribes a maidservant to gain access to the palace and poison the crown prince. Another noble, loyal to the royal family, learns the of the plot and must learn the identity of the would-be assassin before he can succeed in throwing the country into chaos.
The Shadowless Pagoda
On the eighth of April of King Gyoeng-deok's 10th year of the reign of the Unified Silla Period, Guseulagi, a daughter of Yu Jong, joins the king's parade to Bulguksa Temple, where she meets a stonemason named Asadal from Buyeo. Having a crush on him, she visits Sakyamuni Pagoda, a masonic site; only to find that Asadal had broken down from exhaustion. While she takes care of him, her love for him grows. But Asadal misses his wife who is waiting for him in Buyeo. Meanwhile, Geum Seong who has a crush on Guseulagi, asks his father, Geum Ji, to propose on behalf of him. But Yu Jong is so dissatisfied with Geum Ji because he is a treacherous subject, that he turns down the proposal, instead of hurrying up his daughter's marriage with Gyeongsin, a faithful subject. Asanyeo who has been waiting for her husband Asadal in Buyeo goes to Bulguksa Temple after her father-in-law had died.
Ночь перед независимостью
Это экранизация одноимённого романа Чхве Ингю. Пятьдесят минут почти все действие фильма происходит в небольшой комнатке, которую герои называют гаражом. Одни уголовники сменяют других – воры, картежники, пьяницы и контрабандисты подглядывают, бьют, обманывают, чтобы к концу фильма ограбить и избить до смерти ростовщика Мина. Оказывается, он чуть не надругался над собственной дочерью Сынхи, которая нашла его после освобождения Кореи. Великодушная Сынхи обнимает отца, оба рыдают. А девушка Пак Окран, которая следила за Мином, чтобы отомстить ему за смерть своего отца, узнает от него, что он не убивал её отца. О том, что в Южной Корее «завтра днем» придет к власти новое правительство, девушке говорит умирающий и, конечно, раскаивающийся во всем ростовщик, владелец ломбарда Мин – олицетворение всего ужасного прошлого.