Ulli Stephan


Ein Schritt zu viel
Nicole Lehnert came to work at an escort service through her friend Inès. It finances her law degree. Over dinner she met the much older Friedrich Benning - rather by chance. Friedrich's colleague Lars Albers had booked the meal through the escort agency. Nicole likes the charming, successful banker who falls in love with her.. He rents her an apartment and buys her fancy clothes. Friedrich doesn't understand that it will soon be too much for Nicole. She can no longer concentrate on her law studies, does not pass her exams. When Nicole got to know the up-and-coming start-up entrepreneur Josch, who was the same age, her relationship with Friedrich cracked. The drama of mutual dependencies takes a tragic turn.
Ohne Dich
Martina and her partner Ralf, who run a restaurant together in Cologne, enjoy their holiday in Brittany - until one day Ralf does not return from a sailing trip. The Breton police believe in a sailing accident and make Martina little hope that her friend has survived. But Martina does not want to accept Ralf's death and begins a desperate search on the coast of Brittany. However, when this remains in vain, Martina returns to Germany.
Im Netz
In the middle of the night, a special police force storms the bedroom of management consultant Juliane Schubert. Just returned from a business trip to the Middle East, Juliane is questioned after her arrest by the commissioners Theissen and Hindrichs: They should have rented apartments and cars that should serve to prepare a terrorist attack. The evidence is overwhelming. Has anyone gained access to the businesswoman's computer, stolen her virtual identity and used it for criminal purposes?
Ameisen gehen andere Wege
After his father committed suicide, Richard decides to stay in a youth center rather than staying with his mother. There, he finds a bizarre bunch of teenagers. Each of them experienced pain from early on, having their own desires and fighting for happiness with peculiar humor and fantasy. Richard doesn’t want to get involved with any of this – if it weren’t for her: Kyra.
Alles was recht ist – Die italienische Variante