Martin Suter

Рождение : 1948-02-29, Zürich, Switzerland


Everything About Martin Suter. Everything but the Truth.
Martin Suter
A documentary using fiction to bring Martin Suter's novels to life.
Allmen und das Geheimnis der Erotik
For Johann Friedrich von Allmen, boredom is not an acceptable condition. During an uninspiring reading, the art detective spontaneously steals a famous Fabergé egg from the host's possession. His security officer, Krähenbühler, does not allow the unusual robber to be exposed, but tries to blackmail von Allmen into an even more brazen theft.
Allmen and the Mystery of the Dahlias
Allmen and the mystery of the dahlias.
Allmen and the Pink Diamond
Allmen and the Dragonflies
Тёмная сторона Луны
Фильм «Темная сторона луны», являющийся экранизацией бестселлера швейцарского писателя Мартина Зутера, рассказывает историю успешного франкфуртского бизнес-адвоката Урса Бланка. Престижный адвокат пользуется большим вниманием и уважением в высшем финансовом обществе, но несмотря на профессиональный успех и личное счастье в супружеской жизни, Урс Бланк не испытывает никакого удовлетворения. К всему этому самоубийство бизнес-партнера окончательно выбивает его из колеи. В один прекрасный день в его жизни появляется девушка Люсиль, к которой он чувствует некое магическое притяжение. Девушке удается утянуть молодого мужчину в свой альтернативный мир, предложив ему попробовать галлюциногенные грибы и избавится от проблем. Путешествие в призрачный мир фантазий, который древние ацтеки называли королевской тропой просветления, несет за собой далеко идущие последствия.
24-летний тамильский беженец Мараван — талантливый повар, который работает помощником в шикарном ресторане Цюриха. Эта должность не соответствует его высокому уровню владения экзотической кухней Шри-Ланки, но всё бы ещё ничего, если бы однажды парня не уволили. К счастью, коллега Андреа распознаёт талант беженца и объединяется с ним, чтобы открыть кейтеринг-сервис под названием «Love Food», призванный составлять «любовные меню» и готовить для пар, которым нужна реанимация отношений.
The Devil from Milan
Sonia’s nightmare is never ending. Her super-rich husband Frederic is now locked in a psychiatric unit after he attempted to kill her. But her mother-in-law continues to make her life hell by controlling her every move. Getting a job at a wellness spa in the mountains comes at just the rights time. However, on arriving, Sonia quickly realises that the villagers are not particularly sympathetic to newcomers and mysterious things begin to happen, all of them strangely connected to the legend of the devil of Milan. But is it just her mind playing tricks on her? DER TEUFEL VON MAILAND is a thriller based on the novel by Swiss author Martin Suter.
Lullaby Ride
Life could be wonderful for Livia and Marco: good-looking, young, and Tim's parents. Tim is nine months old. His screaming every night drives his parents around the bend, although he was supposed to cement their relationship. But instead of slumber and sex, it's the same every night: jump out of bed and into the wobbly old Golf whose engine sound is the only thing that calms Tim down. One night, the unbelievable happens…
Small World
Conrad Lang, a handyman in a rich family - he has been raised like a brother with Thomas, who has the same age -, accidentally puts fire to the big holiday house he keeps. He returns to the town he grew up in, to the family home, where Philippe, Thomas's son, and Simone are getting married. Conrad's frequent memory loss and behavioural problems rapidly reveal a neurological disease (Alzheimer's is suggested by doctor Cohen when he examens Elvira) which leads Elvira, Thomas's stepmother, to install Conrad in a guesthouse on the property, with the help of a nurse. When Conrad looses more and more his landmarks in present and past, memories of his youth come back to surface. They intrigue Simone, since these memories do not entirely fit together with the official family history...
Der letzte Weynfeldt
The lack of an olive for his Dry Martini drives Adrian Weynfeldt one night to a nearby bar. There he meets a beautiful woman whose direct style and unpolished charm he can not escape. He takes Lorena home. The next morning Lorena stands outside the balcony railing and wants to jump down. The awkward Weynfeldt manages to dissuade her from her project. From now on, Lorena blames him for her life and tempts him to help her out of financial bottlenecks on several occasions. So he begins to pay her debts to a man named Pedroni, whom Lorena claims is a debt collector. Then his old friend Dr. Baier asks him for an impossible favor: Weynfeldt is to release a forgery of the painting "Le Salamandre" by Felix Vallotton for auction. But what does Lorena have to do with it? And is Weynfeldt, who has hitherto had nothing to do with the counterfeiters and blackmailers, resist the temptation?
My Words, My Lies - My Love
David, a waiter, finds an unpublished manuscript in a dresser drawer. To impress a girl, he claims to be the author. When the novel becomes a best-seller, the real author introduces himself and begins to take over David's life.
Julia's Disappearance
A comedy about aging, youth and other eternal truths. Of all days, precisely on her fiftieth birthday, Julia has to experience that age makes you invisible. Frustrated, she goes shopping and makes an acquaintance, spontaneously deciding to spend the evening with this stranger, rather than with the guests of her own birthday party. They wait for her in a restaurant, all dressed up and groomed, lively debating the years that have passed. The truths and wisdom of Julia's closest friends on aging and growing old are drowned increasingly in sufficient quantities of alcohol. In the mean time, on her eightieth birthday, Leonie, sulking over the loss of youth, is rebelling against her daughter, the senior citizen's home, conventions, and old age in general - and joyfully sabotaging the party in her honor.
Идеальный друг
Журналист Жюльен Росси пробуждается в больнице после комы и понимает, что не помнит событий последних двух месяцев. Его жизнь за это время сильно изменилась, но никто не может ничего объяснить! Он почему-то живет с любовницей, а его жена теперь с его лучшим другом. Чтобы разобраться в случившемся, Жюльен пытается пройти опасный путь еще раз…
Березина, или Последние дни Швейцарии
A naive girl's love for Switzerland is put to the test in this satiric comedy. Irina is a woman from Russia who all her life has always been fascinated by Switzerland and longs to live there some day, though her notion of Swiss life has more to do with Heidi and old movies set in the Alps than reality.
Off Season
The formerly great Swiss hotel which Valentin's family owned when he was a boy has been emptied and is about to be torn down. He revisits the magical site's empty halls and ballrooms.
A journalist is assigned to interview an eccentric anthropologist who has exhumed the skeleton of Jörg Jenatsch, a revered freedom fighter who was mysteriously murdered in 1639. Initially disinterested, the journalist begins to uncover unflattering truths about the national hero and experiences visions in which he seems to be witnessing events that transpired over 300 years ago. As he obsessively pursues the investigation, his personal life and his grip on reality disintegrate, drawing him relentlessly toward the fatal carnival at which Jenatsch was killed.