Lori Endes

Lori Endes


Lori is a multi-disciplinary designer and educator with a long history in the arts and film industries. As a member of NABET she worked in costume design for feature films and television and has also produced and directed her own short films. She holds a Masters in Interdisciplinary Design Strategy and has over 30 years experience in the world of dance as both a performer and a designer.


Lori Endes


This is Ballet: Dancing Anne of Green Gables
Facing financial challenges and constant risks of injury, an innovative ballet company strives to bring the iconic Canadian story of Anne of Green Gables to new diverse audiences.
This is Ballet: Dancing Anne of Green Gables
Facing financial challenges and constant risks of injury, an innovative ballet company strives to bring the iconic Canadian story of Anne of Green Gables to new diverse audiences.
This is Ballet: Dancing Anne of Green Gables
Facing financial challenges and constant risks of injury, an innovative ballet company strives to bring the iconic Canadian story of Anne of Green Gables to new diverse audiences.
Assistant Costume Designer
Грант, Сидни и Лорэл-Энн работают в городке Понтипул на небольшой радиостанции, которая располагается в подвале старой церкви. Одним ненастным зимним утром на радио начинают поступать обрывки противоречивой информации о странных событиях, которые творятся в городе. То, что сначала выглядело, как уличные беспорядки, на самом деле оказалось эпидемией вируса, превратившего горожан в обезумевшую толпу. И рано или поздно весь этот ужас доберётся и до их уютного подвала…