Rita von Hunty


An Unforgettable Year: Winter
Mabel is a girl who wants to spend her last moments before graduation traveling with her childhood friends. However, winter arrives early to disrupt her plans and she is forced to travel to a ski resort in Chile with her parents. But in this monochrome landscape, she faces her deepest feelings, finds new love and discovers her true identity.
Три призрака застряли в доме и преследуют каждого нового жильца, чтобы завершить свою миссию на Земле и перейти в следующую жизнь. Пока пара архитекторов не переезжает в это место и решает отремонтировать его. Однако они обнаруживают, что в доме находился старый концертный зал "Ферво", и сталкиваются с призраками.
A Bolsa ou a Vida
In the post-pandemic future of covid-19, will the centrality be the financial casino and the accumulation of wealth by an elite or a quality life for all, with less inequality? Did the minimal state show itself capable of serving the collective? How to guarantee life without social and labor rights? What model of society do we want to live in? The film addresses the dismantling of the concept of social welfare and makes us reflect on the incompatibility of neoliberalism with a humanist project of society.
You Tubers
The film follows four digital influencers: Jout Jout, Bispo Arnaldo, Rita Von Hunty and Spartakus Santiago.